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[Spoiler-free review]

I will start by saying that I really thought True Colors would be a disappointment considering some of the comments I've seen about it. After playing it, there is no doubt in my mind that True Colors is the best game of the series so far. Yes, I said it, the original doesn't come close. Easily one of the most impactful and emotional games I've played and one that stuck with me days after I finished it. If I could play it for the first time again, I would.

Art & Animation +++
Suffice to say that True Colors blows the other titles our of the park with this one. In the first few minutes of the Demo alone, Deck Nine doesn't shy away from showcasing it (so I'd recommend downloading it if you're still trying to decide). The one thing that easily elevates the game is the facial animations. They are truly amazing and provides a huge window to the soul. Sometimes, I feel like the characters tell me so much more with what they're showing than what they're saying and this gives the game a truly emphatic experience. They've also upgraded the visuals by a large margin. I'm most impressed by some of their camera work and the depth in the shots they take when going through zen moments.

Atmosphere +++
The game is set in Haven Springs, a small familiar town in the mountains of Colorado. The game invites us to find a new home and, boy, does it deliver. There is this moment as Alex, our main character, steps off the bus and is able to breathe in the sights and I felt like I fell in love the town almost immediately after in the same way Alex does. It is beautiful, it is picturesque, the town gives a very laidback vibe. If you've ever woken up to the sunlight filtering through the window in the early morning, this is it. It's home.

Characters, Interactions, & Acting ++
We are introduced to Alex Chen, the main protagonist of True Colors, who is in my opinion the best protagonist in the LiS series. Perhaps this is also due to Erika Mori's wonderful performance. In a game about empathy and feeling what others are feeling, she does an excellent job of going through the whole spectrum of emotions. Her talent oozes out when we meet Alex's brother, Gabe, who provides a great supporting role to her. The interaction between the two is wholesome and rich in history with plenty of banter to go around. Spoiler: This makes losing him... hit all the way harder. The rest of the cast is pretty solid, as well. I don't think there is necessarily any unlikable character in True Colors but there are some that I'd like to punch for their role in the story. In a general sense, however, there are times that I wished I was able to get to know the characters more but unfortunately they can only go as far as the writing for the characters go.

Music ++
Well, the music in LiS has always been good. It is no different for True Colors. If you want that indie sound, you'll get plenty of it (and more!) in here. There are some standout songs and renditions that are incredible. Let me just say that when the guitar string pop out, you're in for a treat.

Choices ++
Ah. Now this may seem controversial, but I felt like my choices mattered much more in True Colors. But not in the grand sense of things but more of what it felt like making them and the consequences of it in a personal level between characters. Which really does come back to influence me in the choices I make later on.

Gameplay +
The game features a simple mechanic: feel the emotion of others. From an objective perspective, this is a power that slots in perfectly in the world of LiS, especially since a lot of the charm comes from the characters and the people around them. Execution-wise, I don't think there's anything to write home about. It serves to advance the narrative nicely. However, in big moments, True Colors manages to pump it up and make us realize that through the lens of certain emotions, people see the world in an entirely different way to our own.

Story +
The story is good - not exceptional - but good. For the most part, it is interesting and was fun to unravel. It is quite short though and doesn't make many concessions to stray away from the main story which could be viewed in both a good way and a bad way.

Overall +++
True Colors was an incredible experience. It's a story that I think resonated with me and it delivers an atmosphere I would love to be in. If you're someone who plays Life is Strange for the vibe or plays it for the characters, I think this title is for you. I'm still not too sure if it's worth its price but even I, a stingy person when it comes to buying games, would consider buying it at the full price. For a discounted price, I would get it in a heartbeat.

Spoilers ahead, beware!

Lost Opportunity?
Perhaps one of my biggest gripes with True Colors is in its ending. There is a point where the people of Haven speak up for you or against you. While this itself was a great touch and made it feel like I made a difference, ultimately it doesn't matter who stands up with you since Alex will still talk down the "big bad" regardless of everyone's opinions. It still does, however, hurt when people don't side with you and it really did influence my final decision in the game. I think there is potential to be explored if you "fail". That's something that I'd love to see in future LiS titles.

Memories were Pretty Messy
I think True Colors kind of bogs down when it comes to the beginning of Chapter 5 in the dream world. There is a lot of backstory here thrown at us. The memories themselves don't lend nicely to taking your time and sometimes it may seem odd to interact with objects in the room (where you also might come across some other memories). With the longer lines in this part of the story, it feels kind of frustrating to walk through them again when Gabe tells you "Is that how it really went?". Also, in general, I think using Alex's backstory as her motivation somehow didn't feel right. Or perhaps how they presented it seemed off. I understand what they're going for here but I think it's kind of lost on me.

On another note, I think Dido's Thank You has given me some slight trauma when I heard it unexpectedly on the radio a few days ago.

Amazing Portrayal of the Power
One of the most powerful scenes in the game for me was crossing the log with Ethan and seeing the monster underneath. This is such an incredible execution of it. The fantastical elements of it, the camera work, the shuffling along the log, all of it came together to help us feel Ethan's fear through Alex. This kind of happens again with Eleanor but to a lesser degree. It's these moments that really make you fully immersed in the game.

Maybe, It's Cruel of Me
But it satisfies me to say "I condemn you."

Relationship Advice
Honestly? Both. Both are good. The two romanceable options have a special chemistry with Alex. But Chenrich all the way! I still can't believe I missed the one time Alex becomes a bit mischievous and winks. I'm due for another playthrough.
Posted 29 May, 2023. Last edited 31 May, 2023.
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