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7 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
When you're done getting cooked by the Striga fight, you can take a break and cook some babeczki instead
Posted 19 December, 2024.
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4.9 hrs on record
By the end of the game, so much was happening on screen my brain couldn't keep up anymore.
Posted 19 December, 2024.
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14.8 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I'm only into it for the gameplay, I swear.
Posted 1 December, 2024.
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3.9 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
Fading Club is back at it again with their unique brand of crust visuals and surreal environments. Exploring each level is a mix of chill yet equally unsettling in the best way possible.
Real World Tip: Inanimate objects feel pain. Make sure to hit them against things as hard as you can, they deserve it.
Posted 28 October, 2024.
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12 people found this review helpful
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25.5 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
The me from 2 weeks ago and two alternate timelines over is still attempting to fully understand the story in Infinity. The 6th timeline me is giving them vaguely cryptic hints in their dreams. I'm busy enjoying the multiplayer carnage and endless hours worth of community made content.
Posted 27 August, 2024. Last edited 27 August, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
11.5 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted 6 August, 2024.
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9 people found this review helpful
16.4 hrs on record (7.6 hrs at review time)
The greatest shotgun(s) in gaming history.
Posted 12 July, 2024.
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6.6 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Posted 6 June, 2024.
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61 people found this review helpful
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57.5 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
Anytime I brought up gripes with MoW2 a bunch of angry fanboys kept telling me to "go back to GoH".

Thanks for the recommendation guys! The detail and quality of this game has blown me away already.
Posted 3 June, 2024.
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84.5 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
Men of War 2 is a game I have tried so hard to love, and to find at least one thing that I enjoy about it. Yet at it's core is a recycled failed live service game, risen from the ashes of MoW Arena. I find it difficult to believe the developers are even aware of what made Men of War great, or have any idea what the community wants anymore. The arcadey gameplay, barebones aesthetic and always online requirement is a constant reminder that this was originally going to be a free to play sweatfest with an ingame storefront. This newest entry is painfully confused on what it wants to be, as Best Way makes an attempt to make the series more competitively viable. Some aspects of the free to play model still remain as they were hard-coded into the DNA of the battalions gamemode (it's kind of strange to have special 'collector' units in an RTS game until you realize you were likely going to have to pay for these at some point in development). The battalions game mode is a welcome addition and new mechanics such as digging trenches is great, but sadly overshadowed by frustrating gameplay and questionable design decisions.

Having played the original betas for this game's predecessor Arena, I can safely say not much has changed since then besides minor balancing patches, some additional single player missions, and co-op content. Tank combat feels terrible compared to Assault Squad 2 and Gates of Hell, and is a test of frustration in it's own right. Infantry are now simplified to just "SMGs" and "Riflemen" with barely any diversity of squads or differences between factions. Proper squads do exist but are no longer able to be separated so you are forced to blob them together. Maximum range has been lifted on all units, so artillery is able to abuse this and sit on the sidelines of the map, and matches are quickly decided by who can completely shut down the opposing team from the comfort of spawn. Aircraft make an appearance to everyone's dismay; it devolves matches into point and clicking whatever unit you want to disappear. AAA can work if you plan ahead, but with how spammable planes are I've seen more anti aircraft guns die to aircraft rockets than I've seen them shoot down planes.

In short, I may return to this game someday if Best Way and Fulqrum figure it out and find a way to fix how broken MoW2 feels. But it's looking pretty unlikely, so just go play AS2 or Gates of Hell instead.
Posted 16 May, 2024. Last edited 2 June, 2024.
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