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11.7 hrs on record (9.7 hrs at review time)
Nice cute game, mainly intended for younger players although it does have a lot of humorous pop cultural references. Great level design, somewhat reminiscent of Where's Waldo and with a big influence of French culture. Music is sweet, too! Would be nice for the lead dev to make it available to download ;-).
Posted 29 July, 2021.
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3,475.1 hrs on record (120.8 hrs at review time)
So after 85 hours of play, I've only scratched the surface of the game. I was thinking I would wait to see more of the game before writing a review, but then I realized I already got my money's worth out of it.

I can't believe this game only has 65% good reviews. Sure, it's not perfect, it has problems, a few bugs... But seriously? 65%? From my experience with other Steam games, it should be at least 85-90%.

As you may have read in other posts, this game isn't for everybody. If you're looking for an easy game that will hold your hand and give you clear objectives so that you can actually finish it, then this game isn't for you.
If like me you're a space simulation lover, a science-fiction enthusiast, if piloting is in your blood, if you've always dreamed of exploring the galaxy and visiting strange worlds, and putting your name on a star, then this is for you!

Being a hardcore space enthusiast, I would have bought it just for the exploration part. I read beforehand that the game took place in our galaxy where you could visit 400 billion stars. I thought to myself "meh, how difficult can it be to code a galaxy with 400 billion random stars"? Then I realized it's not random, it's an actual model of our galaxy with what we know as of today (at least star-wise, I guess they make assumptions about the planets).
After a few hours of exploring, I was thinking to myself "they just put regular stars, they let out dwarf stars". Then I see one. "Oh, nevermind." Start thinking the same thing about neutron stars, then I find one. Black holes, proto-stars, nebulas, dark regions, you name it...

If exploration is not your thing, the game has so much more (trading, mining, combat, development...).

A lot of people seem to complain about the update, but I really felt like not being able to land on planets was missing from the original version. Driving around in your rover, enjoying the perks of low gravity, getting lost and losing your ship, falling into a kilometer-deep crevasse, not being able to get out, then realizing you have an option to call your ship to pick you up on auto-pilot, and flying out of there full-speed Death Star trench-like... Again, definitely worth it, without even mentioning all the other planet-based things you can do other than explore.

The game will punish you for being too greedy, for making mistakes, for not being prepared, for hoping for the best, for accidentally shooting your weapons in the vicinity of a space station or forgetting to ask permission before docking... It will punish you for rebinding your "jettison all cargo" key so that you confuse it with your "silent mode" key... three times :-(. Still, definitely worth it. What can I say? I guess I like being punished :-/.
Posted 3 July, 2016. Last edited 3 July, 2016.
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5 people found this review helpful
9.6 hrs on record (8.8 hrs at review time)
The logo describes the game as "The Ultimate Hacking Game".

Well, definitely, there isn't any hacking in this game. There is coding though.

Also, not sure this can be described as a game. No sound, no music, no graphics, hardly any story... This game is really about learning a simplified programming language and developing programs. Feels more like an engineering school exam.

That leaves us with "The Ultimate", which doesn't make much sense. "The Ultimate Simplified Programming Simulator" more accurately describes the game.
Posted 12 June, 2016. Last edited 12 June, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
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8.5 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
Loved it. The gameplay is very original, the universe and story very whitty. Choices matter and 20 different endings. Tough choices to make... One of the best indie games I've played.
Posted 12 June, 2016.
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112 people found this review helpful
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51.6 hrs on record (51.5 hrs at review time)
It takes a while for you to realize it, but this game is really about reading and getting lucky.

Events generate randomly and most outcomes are random. You can't really make an informed and intelligent decision in most cases. Scavenging rewards are extremely random as well...

Gameplay is just about clicking on choices. No recorded dialog, no animations, no level design. The whole thing becomes quite repetitive, as does the soundtrack.

So basically, if you're a very lucky person that loves to read the same sentences over and over, then I do recommend the game for you :-).
Posted 12 June, 2016.
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32 people found this review helpful
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219.3 hrs on record (174.1 hrs at review time)
A lot of sequels try to reinvent the original game and fail miserably in the process. L4D2 doesn't have that ambition. It just took what made L4D great and designed new campaigns, new levels, new weapons. It actually almost feels like an expansion pack for the original game. Which is great if you ask me :-). If it isn't broken, don't fix it! If it's fun, don't change it.

That being said, I didn't feel the characters to be as likeable as the original foursome. The level design is slightly underwhelming compared to the original game. But the new weapons and enemies definitely make up for it.

Posted 12 June, 2016.
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22 people found this review helpful
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188.4 hrs on record (161.6 hrs at review time)
I don't care who you are, how old you are, where you come from or what your gaming experience is. You need to play this game.

In my opinion, this game completely reinvented (maybe even pioneered) cooperative multiplayer. You can expect hundreds of hours of fun with friends.

This game isn't only about how good your aim is, how fast you are, or how well you know the level. It's mostly about how well you know your friends, tough decision making skills, and whether you can stick together and work together as a group.

There's a random generator concept included in level design, meaning enemies don't spawn in the same places when you play a level. This keeps the game interesting as you're never sure what the expect. Level design is excellent, the characters are great and lovable. The story is simple but enough to get you hooked.

If I have to find something negative about the game, I would say that it lacks a good soundtrack.
Posted 12 June, 2016.
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4 people found this review helpful
19.0 hrs on record
A great platformer game. Just the art itself is worth getting the game. The game is great for beginners, but also quite challenging for those who want to finisht it 100%.
Posted 21 May, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
5.9 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
Absolutely loved it, including the 2 sequels. Made me realize that the world doesn't have enough of these mathematical puzzle and logic games.

Despite this being "just" a puzzle game, trying to finish it perfectly (all levels while making no mistakes) will have you sitting at the edge of your seat, biting your tongue, and making sure that your left mouse button is really your left mouse button before you actually click.

Definitely worth the price.
Posted 21 May, 2016.
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83 people found this review helpful
19.0 hrs on record (19.0 hrs at review time)
I'm a big fan of StarCraft and science-fiction in general. I like the idea of survival and holding out as long as possible against overwhelming odds. So I was immediately sold when I read the game description. During the 20 hours I've played this game, I kept wondering to myself "how did this game get 95% good reviews?!"

Regardless of what you may read in the description of the game, there is only one survival mission in the story campaign. In the rest of them, you're wiping out the aliens on the map, and with more than 5 marines. Including air drops, you can easily get to 15 or more.

The campaign isn't "lengthy" as described in the store page. You can beat it in less than 10 hours without rushing it. Overall, the game can be 100% finished in under 20 hours.

I was expecting so much from the storyline. It ended up being a bad rip off of StarCraft and Starship Troopers, in my opinion. Felt like the dialog and plot were written by a teenager, and the very small number of characters (4 in total) are so cliché. One of them, the "Sarge", actually talks (well, there's no recorded dialog...) like Raynor from StarCraft and basically plays the same role.

If you are used to playing RTSs, then this game is way too easy for you. Your soldiers don't permanently die, they automatically respawn. Everything you build, including units, is 100% recycable, meaning you can't make any permanent wrong decisions that you have to compensate for. Just recycle everything, fall back, and restart. You would think I need to play a harder difficulty? Well, sadly, there isn't really a difficulty option in the game.

I didn't feel like the game was able to teach me about my units' strengths and weaknesses. I ended up using pretty much the same combination during the whole campaign. You can actually beat this game while only using 25% of all unit and building types at your disposal (I still have no idea what the grenade upgrade does and how to use it...). The balancing of the game is a big problem.
Some missions are quite long to beat, yet the game lacks an in-game save feature. I've had to keep the game running in the background to not lose my progress. Music is repetitive, art is very simplistic...

I think the worst part of the game is the level design. Though it boasts a "procedural map" system, all levels feel the same and can be beaten pretty much the same way. Not much diversity in objectives. The game tries to hide this fact by calling missions "raid" or "capture". But in the end it's just about killing alien Hives (another rip off from StarCraft...), the only real alien building of the game.

That being said, I don't consider this a very bad game, but just not worth the price. And I don't think it should be considered an RTS, but rather a casual game with tower defense elements.
Posted 21 May, 2016.
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