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Análises recentes de DeadPhoenix

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150.7 hrs em registo (2.2 horas no momento da análise)
Lost against dice minigame 10 times in first hour of story.


Might one day finish tutorial.
Publicado a 4 de Fevereiro.
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90.4 hrs em registo (71.0 horas no momento da análise)
Killing bugs good
Publicado a 4 de Maio de 2024. Última alteração: 6 de Maio de 2024.
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128 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
65.8 hrs em registo (40.9 horas no momento da análise)
If you are thinking about buying the game, and want to see what people don't like about it. Look no further! I got you!
I have read all 85 negative reviews that have been written in time of this review. Here are some insides!

39 of the people giving this game a bad review played the game for less than 2 hours.
For more than 10 hours there are only 20 reviews, 10 of them in chinese.

I will divide frequent complaints into two groups based on time played, and comment on each of them.

0-5 hours complains
“The game is anti-russian propaganda” (mostly in russian)
“combat isn't tactical, there are not any abilities (they are, but you cannot know that, if you did literally one level)
“Stealth doesn't work” (Stealth does work. You just need to actually hide in some bush and be quiet lmao)
“Machine guns are killing my soldiers” (They do that, yeah. Mostly in real life tho)
“The game isn't in english, doesn’t have manual save, weapons have limited range” (wtf?)
“Game doesn't launch” (Ok this actually sucks, i feel sorry about you)

5+ hours complains
“Game is anti-communist propaganda” (In chinese this time)
“game is too easy” (try to save scum less)
“game is too hard” (try to use save button)
“game is unbalanced” (Ok, snipers are broken, but really fun)
“combat is shallow” (To be fair, if you are looking for hardcore tactical strategies, there are better candidates on the market for you. But this game is not just about the tactical fights. It has many more things to it, and the fights aren’t even the main focus. Even though, i wouldn't call them shallow)
“UI is terrible, and i have to do everything manually” (I honestly don´t find the UI to be bad, but it is true that some QoL changes would be appreciated)
“game is buggy” (I have in fact found some annoying bugs, but in my opinion, talking about optimization and state of release, this game is still in the better half)

In conclusion, There are few semi-valid points around. Some classes feel stronger than others, and AI is truly braindead sometimes (It would be really cool if they would react on death bodies, but that would make the game much, much harder) But overall? I feel that at least 70 out of 85 negative reviews weren't justified. The game is great, and you definitely should try it. It literally has a 5 hour free demo so go for it.

As for me now, I am going to touch some grass before returning to my favourite cozy train game about shooting bolsheviks.
Publicado a 2 de Dezembro de 2023.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
549.9 hrs em registo (60.4 horas no momento da análise)
Company of Heroes 3 is great and unique game, that will make happy CoH series veterans, and still will be great gateway for new players. Is the game perfect? No. Is the game in "Full release state" Also no. Is so many negative reviews deserved? Definitely no.

The game have some annoying bugs, there are some missings assets, and some overall rough edges, but when I am reading all those negative reviews, i am starting to think if those players played the same game as i did.

In this time, there is only few RTS games, with such depth and competitive potential. No matter if you are wanna be pro player, want to play competitive and climb the community ladder, or just casual player, enjoying two campaigns or just casual matches with friends. You will have a lot of fun in both cases. Gameplay is sometimes criticized by CoH2 veterans, for being "slower" and more spongey. But honestly? As someone who loved CoH1 and didn´t really enjoyed CoH2 for being too fast and TOO MUCH competitive, i feel CoH3 to be in perfect spot between arcadish CoH1 and not forgiving CoH2. There is still a lot of space for improving, and overcoming your opponent thanks to your skill, but if you make mistake, forget babysit your units for 5 seconds, they still have chance of surviving, and your game isn´t lost because one lost vehicle. Compared to similar games in the genre, Iron Harvest for example, Company of Heroes 3 is in my eyes best game gameplaywise.

Graphics, Audio and visuals
The game looks really good, if someone is telling you, that CoH2 or even CoH1 looked better, they didn´t played the game for looong time. Game si colourfull, fire, explosions and other effects looks great, and whole stylization looks decent. Yeah, CoH3 isn´t the most visually stunning game there is, But this is RTS strategy, There is no need for stunning grapthics with RTX. For it´s genre there is not much games that would look much better. Weapons and vehicles sounds better and more realistic, and even tho there definitlly are war games that sounds better, if you aren´t total WWII nerd, you will have no problem with it. Only complain i have with Audio in CoH3 are voicelines and music. they aren´t bad, but I must agree here with some dissapointed players, that CoH1 had both music and voicelines better.

State of Game
A lot of people are complaing about the state of the game. Here, i must agree that whole game feels unpolished. some assets are missing (pictures of units) sometime unit model starts asserting dominance with T-pose (this still happens in CoH1 and CoH2 tho) and sometimes vehicle pathfinding is so broken, that your tank do a full circle before starts going in straight line. Yeah. that is annoying, and you will lost more then few tanks because of it. But devs are working on fixing it, balancing the units, communicating with community, and i believe, all will get better really soon. When CoH2 was released, the backslash was even bigger then now. And look at this now. at least 2/3 of not recommending reviews, are saying how much CoH2 is better, and how it always was such a gem. No. It. Was. Not. CoH3 will be polished, bugs will be fixed, and CoH3 will surpass its precedecors even more then already did. So is the game in "Full release state"? No. In my opinion, they really should release only "Early access", or take at least 4-5 months more to finish the game, But it is still really good game, and there were now awesome games released in much worse states before... (looking at you CP)

Final thoughts
If you made it this far, and are you still wandering, if to buy, not buy, or wait some time before buying. In my opinion you should buy right away. Yeah the game needs some polishing, but it is still one of the best games in it´s genre, and if you want future for good RTS games, it is needed to support the devs, even thought they might done something better. Game is great, Multiplayer is fun, Singleplayer will take few hours to finish, and looking back at CoH2, in matter of weeks or few months the game will be perfect. By buying it now, you will support the devs, and game will be polished sooner. If you are scared by all those negative reviews, just read them once again. 2/3 of them are just rants from CoH2 players, who don´t remember the state of CoH2 when released. 1/3 complains are maybe partially valid, but as i said before, Nothing is so bad that it should earn such hate.
Publicado a 15 de Março de 2023.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
250.5 hrs em registo (166.3 horas no momento da análise)
+ Příběh
+ Hratelnost
+ Hudba
+ Zapamatovatelné postavy
+ Coop
+ Grafika
+ Technická stránka
+ Dlouhá hlavní linka
+ (všechno ostatní)

- ... nic mě nenapadá xD

osobně hru vnímám jako nejlepší hru svého žánru, nikdy mě nepřestala bavit, hudbu z této hry poslouchám do dnes, nikdy jsem nenašel technickou chybičku a stále se na ní vzpomínám jako jeden z nejsilnějších herních zážitků, kdybych jen měl kamarády kteří by jí se mnou dohráli v coopu :,(
Publicado a 2 de Julho de 2019.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
39.2 hrs em registo (38.6 horas no momento da análise)
S hodnocením této hry je to vážně těžké, hned na začátek je třeba říct, že tato hra není pro každého a každý si jí neužije tak jak by chtěl. Hned na začátku hry si projdete krátkým tutoriálem který vám ukáže základní herní mechaniky a hurá do bitvy 1v1, 2v2 nebo 4v4, zní to pěkně ne? a taky by asi bylo, kdyby se nevyskytovali brutální problémy se servery, hra neustále nepadala, nebo se nesekla tak že pomůže už jen restart počítače (nepočítejme obrovskou nevýhodu počítačů proti konzolím) občas jsou tyto problémy tak otravné, že mám chuť vzít klávesnici a prohodit jí monitorem. Ano hra vám neustále píše že toto je jenom Beta a že se nejedná o finální hru, ale upřímě, kdo tohle žere proslulému Ubisoftu a Udon´tPlayi 3 dny před vydámím plné hry? proč mám tedy za 3 dny Open Bety nahráno víc jak 23 hodin? je to ku*va zábava. jak už jsem psal na začátku, hra není pro každého, ale pokud si užíváte soubojový systém na blízko, hru ve které opravdu potřebujete nějaký ten skill (ve hře si můžete kupovat a vylepšovat výbavu, ale každá zbroj má své + i -, a tak spíše jedná o změnu hratelnosti která otvírá nové strategie, výhody ale i nevýhody) je to hra pro vás. Každá hratelná postava je unikátní, a ikdyž si jsou různé postavy v jistých ohledech podobné, vždy to chce proti každému oponentovi jinou strategii a jiné comba. Každý herní mód má něco, a tak si každý hráč najde co ho baví nejvíc, chcete čestný duel tváří tvář nepříteli? jděte 1v1, máte kamaráda se kterým chcete nakopat zadek jiným hráčům? jdětě 2v2. baví vás dnes již klasický mód obsazování vlajek? jděte 4v4 Conquest a nebo vás baví velké bitvy s bonusy, štíty, healy, apod? jděte Deathmatch. K tomu ještě přidejte singleplayerovou kampaň která taky nějakou tu chvíli zabere, a máte zábavu na docela dlouhou chvíli. osobně si hru For Honor rozhodně koupím, a budu doufat že neustále lagy, bugy a pády hry Ubisoft patchne, a těm kteří nechtějí za podobnou hru dávat plnou cenu 60E bych doporučil For Honor Betu aspoň vyzkoušet.

+ Originalita
+ Úžasná grafika
+ Potřebný skill
+ Užasný multiplayer
+ Potenciál
+ Skvělý způsob zbroje
+ Dost hrdinů
+ dost zajímavých módů

- Špatné servery
- výhoda konzolí
- nedodělanost co se týče bugů a lagů
- není pro každého
- cena
- by Ubisoft (nic proti Ubisoftu, ale všichni asi víme že co se tíče patchů a zákaznické podpory, neni Ubisoft zrovna špička)
Publicado a 11 de Fevereiro de 2017.
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