dd   Asbestos, Quebec, Canada
Hi, I'm dd! :Marisa:
I hate x86
"i wake up and dd is talking about touhou"
- Twitter user :Tenshi:

"dd you write paragraphs about computer science but like 3 words for anything else lmao"
- Discord user :melon:

I also code :awoo:
For fucks sake, stop INVITING ME to your god damn UNCOOL groups!
0.5 時間プレイ
got it before april 1st
3月24日 に最後にプレイ
3月24日 に最後にプレイ
3月23日 に最後にプレイ
DD±ROM 3月20日 10時12分 
gay touhou dd computer hating x86
bassblitzed 3月19日 19時09分 
bassblitzed 3月19日 19時08分 
ur gay
AmmyAmmyAmmyAmmyAmmyAmmyAmmyAmmy 3月18日 13時16分 
beastmen ra-roo
bassblitzed 2月15日 19時49分 
I have genuine advice for you: never escalate. Every crow that shows up gets a single peanut. Do not play favorites.

Definitely don't give more peanuts if they bring you something you perceive as better. Not because they would be stealing or anything like that, but because they will become more aggressive on your behalf. More will show up, and they'll bring more stuff, and it will be very annoying to all of the people who live near you.

Really, you can stop reading at this point, but if you are interested in de-escalating, gaining control of the situation, you can keep reading.
bassblitzed 2月15日 19時49分 
You definitely can't stop the peanuts outright. They'll take that personally. You can, however, change the rules. Like, every day or every other day at the same time, in the same place, for five minutes only, every crow that shows up gets one peanut.

If they're leaving items to "trade" (as opposed to showing up to receive peanuts directly), swap items for peanuts at a specific time. Ignore demands for attention or early peanuts.

I would recommend accompanying Peanut Time with an obvious visual indicator, something that other people will not have, like a neon frisbee cut in half or an extremely unique hat. This way they won't harass you every time you're outdoors, but you also avoid the risk of other people with that item in the area being harassed.

Peanut Time is Peanut Time. And no other time or place or person has Peanut Time, and Peanut Time is organized and has rules. Good luck.