Magillanica Lou Mayvin
Mazhigigika Miludin do Din Nolurun Dou   Edinburgh, Edinburgh, City of, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Hee hee, I spy with my little eyes a kiddo who's spying at my bewitching waist. Magikazam!
But I'm always serious about fooling around! :bienfu::bienfuscared::bienfusurprised:
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Travelling the stars to observe cataclysmic events on an unimaginable scale, witnessing the primordial creation of worlds through the cruel continuous distancing of space and matter and the genesis of new life in the most impossible of places is but a minuscule part of what Space really is. What is Space, what does it mean? Space is amazing in all it's grandeur. Space is magnificent and splendid, astound and unpredictable, ruthless, merciless and Space is where I'd rather be when I wish I wasn't here. I see Space for what it really is. For what it means to me. Serendipity and chaos coalesced in unison, thus melding altogether in absolute and unabridged peerless pandemonium.

Me - Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 13:09
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The only time I trade is when I give stuff away for free :beatmeat:
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I might have bought one too many Switches
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Devil May Cry 5
Review Showcase
65 Hours played
An absolute jewel of a game with a gripping story and fantastic character developement! The "feels" are real in this one. It's one of the very few games that makes time literally FLY when playing it. The number of times you won't have your entire face stuck on the monitor to find out what happens next can be counted on the fingers of a single hand. It's very immersive, full of lore and references to other Tales games and if you manage to get all achievements there won't be a single question left unanswered even if this is your first ever Tales game. By the way, it's got TONS of fashion customization and TONS of minigames that stand out on their own within this game!! Especially the card minigame (which is actually a full blown card game on it's own. I love it!

Game crashed twice in 60 hours for me but that's due to my PC and due to the fact that I'm playing it in 4K ULTRA EVERYTHING mode and I don't give my GPU and CPU time to rest.

The only CON/negative about the game is really tied to the combat tutorials. They throw too much information at you early and most of it is incomplete as they will explain how combat works BUT NOT HOW TO DO IT YOURSELF!!

Otherwise I don't regret spending a single cent on this game. P.S. I also bought ALL the DLC when it went on sale on January since I found that every little thing in there is useful and fun! I am digging the REPEDE hoverboard!!
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Hardcorefux 24 Apr, 2019 @ 9:56am 
uhhh i guess this woulden't happen
MickeyDankMouse 9 Mar, 2018 @ 2:49pm 
:savecrystal::savecrystal::FFXIIImog::FFXIIImog::savecrystal: :rep2: :savecrystal::FFXIIImog::FFXIIImog::savecrystal::savecrystal:
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:savecrystal::savecrystal::savecrystal::savecrystal::savecrystal: :savecrystal: :savecrystal::savecrystal::savecrystal::savecrystal::savecrystal:
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Have a nice weekend!
LateForDinner 5 Aug, 2017 @ 8:49am 
LOUD CLOUD 12 May, 2017 @ 5:08pm 
Have a nice weekend!
LOUD CLOUD 4 Apr, 2017 @ 4:53pm 