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Recent reviews by Dawso85

Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
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50.4 hrs on record
The dev's did amazing work with the game and its was supper fun for a time . But Then Sony had to come along and kill saying you have to a PlayStation Network account NOW to play when . Wake up Sony we got the game on Steam because were a PC gamer not PS5 gamer . wont be playing this game again now due to i don't want Sony account or ever want a console .. if your happy to play buy Sonys change there mid rules you will have fun with the game if theirs any one left on pc to play with ,
Posted 4 May, 2024.
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13.7 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
for playing just about 3Hrs i have to say me and my mates have had a lot of fun even with there's bugs and exploits for days but this can be fixed and features added we have high hopes for the game. the devs have been supper active and hope they keep the pace up . Theirs already been some big fixes and patches in the first 24hrs if they have to wipe to fix the exploits im all for its EA for a reason and if you don't like EA wait till 1.0. last point if you don't like the game and don't what to give any productive feed back get your refund and move on with your life please . A lot off ppl that might like to try this game but wont thanks to the level of dumb down votes the games getting. i say give its ago if you dont like it after 2hrs get your refund . i will be keeping this game and watch with high hopes
Posted 8 December, 2023.
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29.4 hrs on record (20.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
this game is amazing value for money the team that work on this game have done a great job so far . would love this game got more game mode types not just levels
Posted 17 September, 2022.
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400.4 hrs on record (343.0 hrs at review time)
i have Played this game from day one of EA. The dev team really have given it there all and still keep giving it even more . i have really enjoyed my time playing this game and still have lots off fun doing runs with mates.
its one off the few game i look forward to seeing were devs take the game to next 9.5/10 for replay . and 9/10 for content and style real awsome game
Posted 10 March, 2022.
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378.0 hrs on record (52.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
i feel like this game can keep growing if the dev keep at it . i have found its prity chill so far im only lvl 15 tough . this game does require abit off study at first to work out some quest but it is a EA game so finger corssed the make it ezyer for new players like myself . but the player bass has been really friendy think the
premium pay to play system needs to go down in cost buy 50% is a great game but the
premium perks at this point i dont feel are worth it . but you need to get past lvl 10 before u can say this games crap . but for a free game its going to take up alot off my free time ! 8/10
Posted 25 June, 2021.
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29.3 hrs on record (29.0 hrs at review time)
Posted 6 March, 2018.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries