L1ghtKai 26 Mar @ 11:21am 
-rep full camping gameplay nurse, get some skill
saijexxs 23 Mar @ 1:27pm 
+rep cutie huntress ^^
HappyDay 2 Mar @ 5:50am 
go as friends from DbD??? I Russia, i will speak with help of a translator
renatos left tiddy 21 Feb @ 1:35pm 
+rep lovely weskie
Bug 21 Feb @ 4:15am 
great nemesis :praisesun:
BB 14 Nov, 2024 @ 5:38pm 
:fhappy: Bunny Beng Bing ! :fhappy: Bunny Beng Bing
Kashimi 14 Nov, 2024 @ 4:55pm 
+rep sweet teammate
Itching&Burning 31 Oct, 2024 @ 12:23pm 
Corpse 31 Oct, 2024 @ 9:44am 
+rep كيلر لطيف .. كان يقدر يقشعنا كلنا ويولع فينا بس قلبه طيب ورحيم
Shiro♌ 6 Jun, 2024 @ 2:57pm 
Hey there, Fengy,

I don't have a lot to say as my brain has already called it a day and fell asleep, but I'm here to remind you that I haven't forgot about you.
So, if you ever feel lonely, think about me and the other people who do care about you despite never meeting us! Yeah, we're very much real, no need to doubt that.. Although that's exactly what woulda an AI or otherwise unrealistic being claimed to be, right? .. :ritonaworried:
You've guessed it, I have confused myself. He-he! ..
I have had to joke around like that to lighten up the atmosphere.
I haven't confused myself, that was the joke I have had in mind. I hope. :sonettasmile:

Do your best to keep on taking care of yourself, and stay safe!
Sayonara! :butterfly_green:
ragebait femboy uwu 29 May, 2024 @ 12:36pm 
the trick with profile link is so cute haha +rep
Squeaky Fengy 7 May, 2024 @ 4:11pm 
يسعدك ربي :lunar2020ratinablanket::2017stickycrab:
Ricks 7 May, 2024 @ 3:56pm 
افضل لاعب dbd :bo3oface:
Renad 30 Mar, 2024 @ 9:39am 
عوافي ربي يسعدك اخوي:aushrug:
Squeaky Fengy 29 Mar, 2024 @ 6:46pm 
WLC WLC :2017stickycrab:
والله مخي خلص فصل واتأخر الوقت علي وطلعت .. السموحة اذا خربت عليك القيم
اسطورة ربي يوفقك :lunar2020ratinablanket:
Renad 29 Mar, 2024 @ 5:47pm 
+rep فيلكسار ليه ان///تحرت بفوزك ترا لاني اعرفك و اتابعك من زمان
Squeaky Fengy 19 Mar, 2024 @ 5:25am 
هلا حبيبي ربي يسعدك نوورت :2017stickycrab:
Luxst ❤ 2 Mar, 2024 @ 10:38am 
+rep, giving out free codes for ZUP! thanks !
Shiro♌ 23 Dec, 2023 @ 3:04pm 
Heya, Fengy,

I do wish you Merry Christmas, and since I can't guarantee reminding myself of it later on, even the early Happy New Year!
Whatever you do, stay safe and have some fun during the holidays!

Take care! :AsagaHappy:
yatrtiah 22 Dec, 2023 @ 11:31am 
toxic + tunneling for no reason damn ;^)
Shiro♌ 22 Oct, 2023 @ 2:14pm 
Though, moving on is what one's supposed to do as the life forces the person to let go and adapt to what's going on rather than to what has been going on.
In case of refusing to move on, other people will sooner or later convince that person with their actions, and that person will very likely move on instead of bothering with those people..
So, I will probably move on, but with a different approach and entirely different expectations.

I must've thought about the feature at some point aswell, it was within an OT thread some time ago, but because my friend list is already big as it is, I haven't felt the need and still don't feel the need to use that.
I do let my memory take care of this.. It will have to do..
Hopefully, you will manage to open eyes for some of your friends and people who were previously within your friend list. Hopefully.. :lossforword:
Squeaky Fengy 22 Oct, 2023 @ 1:48pm 
Past experiences really do have a great impact on our decisions, and whoever got hurt in the past will build many boundaries to never go through that feeling again. To never get hurt again. I completely understand this.

Ahh, I thought about this feature before but never bothered to search or fiddle around to check if it was actually a thing. Thankfully, you found out about it. The time is also critical for me after what has happened. :cozybethesda:
Shiro♌ 22 Oct, 2023 @ 1:27pm 
That is true, I can't disagree with that.
It's just that I don't have positive experiences and my view is somewhat foggy, blinded by the past and the refusal to open up to yet another risks by moving on.

You're welcome.. I haven't really been aware of the categories being a thing on Steam, I have found out about them only because you've happened to mention them within the necessary context for me to connect the dots. :funnyselphine:
Squeaky Fengy 22 Oct, 2023 @ 1:20pm 
Oh, I didn't realize categories in the friend list is a thing! Really appreciate the heads up. Thanks, Shiro. Have a cake you truly deserve it :cleancake: :lunar2020ratinablanket:
Squeaky Fengy 22 Oct, 2023 @ 1:20pm 
Staying alone is indeed a better option, but there should also be at least one friend that you can trust and get positive feelings from. Happiness, in my opinion, is attached to a person rather than objects.

Yes, having the PS5 right after its release brings great happiness. But it doesn't last forever. Having a trustworthy friend, however, is an infinite source of happiness and great memories that last forever.

For me, I socialize a lot with others around me, but I don't look at them as friends. As I said, having friends comes with responsibilities and great risks. Still, I do feel like online friends are somewhat different. Even though some of them might become close friends despite being far away.

Anyhow, everyone has their own look at things. I find it hard to convey my thoughts without writing a whole article :lunar2019crylaughingpig:
Shiro♌ 22 Oct, 2023 @ 12:55pm 
Mhm, that's how it is.. If you ask me, it's not really worth it and being alone seems to be the better option as we grow up, because people don't wish to be told what to do, to change just to fit anymore.

There is actually such a feature already, if you click with your right mouse button onto the friends & chat overlay while being within and below the friends tab, by selecting the only option create category.
Besides that, adding nicknames could do the trick aswell, but the custom categories shall do it a lot better. Whether you can create an unlimited amount of them or a limited amount of custom categories, that I wouldn't know as I haven't used it yet.
Squeaky Fengy 22 Oct, 2023 @ 12:47pm 
Glad to know that the feeling is completely natural :happystar2022:. I did read the OT threads, and I do understand your view on this matter. I saw you few times talking more in-depth about it through the comments. Having friends comes with big responsibilities and sometime great risks.

Also, yes, different categories must be made when having big friend list. I'm just thinking, Valve should add such feature, right? :angrystar2022:
Shiro♌ 21 Oct, 2023 @ 7:10am 
If the comments and the status do the job, the artwork shouldn't be necessary.. That was just another way of passing the message.
The feeling you're describing isn't weird at all, but completely natural, if you ask me. There's nothing wrong with feeling like that.

As for the bigger friend list, that's all good as long as you can put them all into different categories.. Shall be.
However, I don't really have any gaming buddies nor plan on having some, so I can't comment that much onto this matter. Personally, I don't approve of that as I have explained within one of the OT threads, as that you can't really be carefree around them and can't let loose.. Because the bond isn't strong enough and the trust is missing..
Squeaky Fengy 21 Oct, 2023 @ 6:35am 
My friend list is somewhat large because I love to pretty much play with others. So if someone is a good sport and nice to play with, I accept their request to play together later on. It's a bad habit?
I do understand that having a small friend list is more manageable since you can talk and be in touch more often. If mine were like this, maybe not many would have been affected by this situation.

Moreover, another great piece of advice from you is to make my friends list private or "friends-only". No stranger should really care about it or go through it.

Oh btw. I noticed that I said "It seems like we have been using the same account for a few years." That a stretch isn't it? lol. I meant to say from days or weeks, but got auto-corrected by me phone don't know why :happy_yeti:
Squeaky Fengy 21 Oct, 2023 @ 6:35am 
I appreciate your advises, Shiro.

I double-checked everything, and thankfully everything is okay. It's like using my account as a bridge to more accounts. I managed to communicate with some friends and found out that they actually did enter the link and shared their information. However, I told them what to do to protect their account and prevent it from getting hacked as well.

I would do the public artwork, but I guess these comments did the job. As for those who refused to add me back, You're right; it was their decision. The close ones and those who know me in real life are all safe.

What really got me and did the most damage was knowing that there might have been others who felt the scam through me, which makes me somewhat responsible. Idk actually. It's just a weird and annoying feeling.
Shiro♌ 21 Oct, 2023 @ 6:02am 
As for your friends refusing to add you.. That's their own decision.

As long as you ensure giving it your all, there's not much you can do about that, besides moving onto the future without them. That feels especially sad and depressing if you've known yourselves in real life and for years.

In general, my suggestion would be to limit your friend list to only a few people, so you can actually talk to them all at least once in a while, and possibly even update the privacy a bit; Only your friends or nobody shall see who's in your friend list to ensure that nobody will spread gossips about you, and so on. Not that it always happens, but a friend of mine have had that happen to her, so that's just another safety measure I'd like to share.
Shiro♌ 21 Oct, 2023 @ 5:58am 
Yeah, I can tell.. I've dealt with this in the past, but never to such a huge extent to lose my access to account. It was only a loss of some Rocket League item when trading and cases were still a thing. A small price to pay given the received experiences to learn from.

Out of those blocked users.. Besides creating a status, sharing a public artwork could do the trick aswell, as the status disappears after a while, and most people don't scroll down to check on the activity of their friends in the past X weeks.

I'm glad that you're back.
Do make sure to double-check everything to ensure having safe account, but more importantly stay safe yourself!
You're welcome. :florawink:
Squeaky Fengy 21 Oct, 2023 @ 5:41am 
I added a status on the activity page, but I thought no one really went there a lot. So, I thought to add it here on the profile. But you're right, and since you mentioned it, I can leave my reply here for a while instead of the profile bio so others can figure out what happened.

I just want to let them know what to do in case they entered that link and shared their information. Since most hackers get your details and don't do anything about it until weeks or even months later,This is why it is not obvious how you got hacked.

Anyhow, I'm happy that I'm back and also happy to see you not getting affected by this mess.
Thank you for your message. Shiro. :2017stickycrab:
Squeaky Fengy 21 Oct, 2023 @ 5:41am 
Hello Shiro,

It's been a mess and a really frustrating experience. The thing is, I got shadow-hacked. No logins, no changes, nothing whatsoever. It seems like we have been using the same account for a few years. It's really scary.

The hacker managed to contact a fair amount of my Steam friends here, until Steam realized there was something wrong and banned the account until further investigation.

There are like over 40 users blocked by me and pretty much received a fake link to "vote" on some kind of tournament. Most of them have comments on their profiles off, and others blocked me, and many are afraid to re-accept my friend request.
Shiro♌ 21 Oct, 2023 @ 5:29am 
It's good to know, you're back and safe.
I'm not much of a fan of friends-only or private profile walls, as I can't share my thoughts here whenever I want, and instead have to bother with sending friend requests and all that stuff..

I don't think, it's necessary to put it in the profile descriptions, so if I would've faced such problems, I'd probably create a status about it.. So that only the people who're following you or within your friend list would read that.
Squeaky Fengy 21 Oct, 2023 @ 5:23am 
Thank you, Very glad to be back :lunar2020ratinablanket:
пуси 21 Oct, 2023 @ 5:18am 
Добро пожаловать назад :ghostcat2:
Shiro♌ 13 Aug, 2023 @ 5:35am 
You're welcome! :florawink:
I'm just returning the favor, or so I'd have said.

I've been getting to the game once more, and the matchmaking is a mess.. Too many unbalanced matches, which is weird because I don't recall that.
Anyway, some players are like that.. You're gonna listen to what they've got to say and explain yourself or block and ignore them right-away, but the choice will always be yours.
Squeaky Fengy 13 Aug, 2023 @ 4:03am 
Hey, thank you, Shiro :2017stickycrab:

I stopped playing Killer for a couple weeks, and this is literally what I got the first day I came back lol. I forgot that you can't talk sense with some survivors because whatever you say, you will still be a filthy little camper/tunneler.

You pretty much said everything that needed to be said. Thanks :lunar2020ratinablanket:There is no need to clarify myself anymore since it is just a waste of time.
Shiro♌ 12 Aug, 2023 @ 9:27pm 
.. Are you guys even aware that Fengy isn't supposed to play the game for your own entertainment?
Like I get that certain playstyles might not be fun to face, but that's just the nature of such asymmetrical games.
You're free to complain, but nobody's really interested in what you've gotta say about it unless they ask, which I don't recall reading over here.

Besides, if you're not willing to argue, then why bother?
Curly Fries 12 Aug, 2023 @ 3:34pm 
-rep tunnelling clown, ignored everyone else who was trying to body block for me to just go for me
One Man Army 12 Aug, 2023 @ 2:03pm 
-rep retarded loser, zero skills
LukoriusTheMeh 12 Aug, 2023 @ 1:53pm 
I'm not gonna argue with you man. All I saw in that match was a Blight running Pop, Pain Res & Deadlock with strong addons. Whether you intended to or not, you tunnelled when you absolutely did not have to. Someone as skilled as you should not have to resort to such boring strategies for an early stomp.
Squeaky Fengy 12 Aug, 2023 @ 12:27pm 
First, Biolook , You were hooked 3 times and got saved when I was not around the hook. That not camping. Also, first time you went straight to a gen after being unhooked and while injured. That not smart at all, and don't expect me to ignore it.
The second time, you kept flashing me even though I was not coming to you. It like you were begging to get chased. And you got it.

LukoriusTheMeh , you were always healed when I chased you and got 3 hooks on both of you except the last two that I spared. If I saw two fully healed survivors, I will go to the one with more hook stages. It obvious, especially 2 gens were left.
As for David, you can read what I wrote to Biolook. And I'm sure you saw the flashlight clicks. Any killer would have done the same.

Like for real, what am I supposed to do? Go to a corner until you guys feel it's okay to get chased and hooked?
Next time let's all meet at the shack so you can tell me how to play....:steamfacepalm:
LukoriusTheMeh 12 Aug, 2023 @ 12:10pm 
Really confusing Blight, skilled but still tunnels for some reason. I saved that David on 2nd hook and you ignored me to tunnel him. He did not go for any gens, you hit his BT so you tunnelled???
Biolook 12 Aug, 2023 @ 11:54am 
-rep skilled blight but he camp.
Anas 17 Jul, 2023 @ 12:20am 
。                 ゚   .              .
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 .             𝒾 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝑜 𝓂𝓊𝒸𝒽ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .
        。                 ゚   .              .
,         .  .        .
     。                   ゚         。
  .        .     .          。  . 
Squeaky Fengy 15 Jul, 2023 @ 4:35am 
You are very welcome :lunar2020ratinablanket:
I visited your profile to say hi; I saw that reply and couldn't ignore it lol.
It was a really nice coincidence, and I'm glad my comment made you happy :happystar2022:
Shiro♌ 14 Jul, 2023 @ 10:59am 
Thanks for sneaking by, you have made me laugh a lot with such a well timed and well worded message.
I was very pleasantly surprised by that. :eselphine:
никки 20 Jun, 2023 @ 8:44am 
+rep daddy myers <3