Im Not Cheating.
Darkfire Twinkle
ya so basicaly im mlg. im playing csgo in invite this seasin if u want to lobby just pm me

if u didnt want to get headshot get out of the way! XD
Mugdoggo 22.7.2015 klo 20.54 
Looks like you cheat to me. Blocked and reported.
Guardian Gorgon 14.12.2014 klo 15.53 
U frunkis. Better git gud at Counter Duty other wize ima rek u.
Johnny Phoenix 22.9.2014 klo 9.43 
hey. just gonna say at i remove you becuse we havetn talked to eachother, if you want to add me back, just tell me
runhispockets.OTG 17.8.2014 klo 18.57 
Man if you're gonna defriend me on your main at least defriend me on your alt too.
runhispockets.OTG 18.5.2014 klo 8.29 
lol ♥♥♥♥♥ u liek poniez

go 2 hell skrub
Im Not Cheating. 5.2.2014 klo 18.09 
ofc i do