Игорь Вдовин   Stupino, Moskva, Russian Federation
1 个记录在案的 VAC 封禁 | 信息
上次封禁于 1432 天前
💏 Karina 2019 年 11 月 10 日 上午 9:36 
💗🎍🥞 Performance review for ZeRRo 💎👳💄

ZeRRo is aiming for promotion, but recognizes that capabilities and prospects are limited. They set high personal standards in an attempt to do as well as possible. Late on fewer than 3 occasions in 6 months. Does not shirk duties, and can share the workload with other people in the team to achieve maximum group output – but does not do so consistently. Good at planning and monitoring the work of team-members. Able to concentrate and stay focused for short periods of up to an hour but tends to drift after this if not presented with a new task.

🍆 + ⛳ = 🎁