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Amazing! The introduction into the boss fights was a great touch! I had a blast and OMG once again, the artwork, design, sound effects and voice acting is supurb! Thank you for doing such an amazing job! I would also like to thank derockfoehammer for the chapters!
Αναρτήθηκε 28 Ιουλίου 2018.
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2.3 ώρες συνολικά
Okay so I played thru the first story and wow. There is crafting, gem socketing, skill upgrades, skill learning(like combos ect), story choices, and the choices you make in the game affect the writing taking place along with rewards you get at the end! I was actually really surprised how well this game plays and how in depth it really is. The story telling has love, comedy, action, and just a damn good narrator. Thank you Spearhead for creating such an awesome game and offering it for free! If I had a demo of this I honestly would have probably bought it. The colors, simple physx, and shading are really well done and stick out. Thumbs up great game thank you!
Αναρτήθηκε 14 Μαΐου 2018.
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6.8 ώρες συνολικά (1.0 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
When I played the beta day 1, the multiplayer wasn't bad, 2nd day beta was flooded with hackers and was broken.
Release day the game was actually running smooth as butter, no hackers as of yet and it's been a couple days, multiplayer is another cod reskinned yet the HQ mode was actually kinda cool. Now for zombies i do enjoy it, it adds more element of horror which i like especially if u are a killing floor fan. Campaign for what ive done so far which is 2 chapters i enjoyed a lot.

Longer version still summarized

As most COD campaigns they are action based with nice cinematic shorts. This one is no different. I will admit it's been some time since I have played a cod campaign and have gotten attached to the main character and this one did it for me. The drama, action, and gameplay I am enjoying quite a bit. I am not expecting a Super Triple AAA action game but for the little bit this is, it's honestly not that bad. Registry for hits is perfect, i pop an enemy in the head, they die one shot. The slow parts are yes slow, but transition into action quickly and give u a frantic pace that makes u feel you are in the story. (i play with surround headphones) I don't compare it while playing, i literaly just play for what it is and enjoy it. I don't care to nit pick the historical facts I am just playing it.

Prev zombie modes I didn't get too involved with because I felt there was too much to learn and find and easter eggs i didn't care too much for. For this years installment, I am enjoying it more because it takes out the "lets border the windows" aspect and leaves u vulnerable to the horde of zeds coming forth your way. The variation is alright, but i noticed the more in depth i get, the more variation comes with it. I actually felt the "classes" in Zombies was pretty neat each with special powers to help your team out which I like because I felt like it had that very small influence of a RPG. The traps are neat, the setting is definantly there for me.

Well what can I say? It is COD with a boots on the ground approach like the previous installments MW MW2 BO and BO2 with the World War 2 skin. The maps aren't that bad i mean if u like to just run around and shoot but got bored with the old maps, this will be refreshing in a sense that it has new maps, the tesselation is pretty good, lighting isn't bad, and so far I have not encountered cheaters yet. (key word YET) The HQ mode is actually cool, gives you more to do with dailies, challenges, and to meet other players to commend them or just hang out. The collection mode is neat yet like holy crap with the amount of cred u need to complete each set for 1 skin but can be rewarding to players that spend a lot of time in game. The movement is nice, the registry so far is on par, and the sound effects I really like yet the explosions all sound close to the same in each COD game at least to me. I do enjoy the Multiplayer on a casual aspect and like the play of the game kill cam as apposed to the last kill being showcased.

All in all, I feel that the game has changed a crap ton since Beta and was actually rooting for the game when I was playing it on launch day. I just hope the countermeasures for cheaters will keep on par and understand there are cheaters in every game, u can't catch all, but at least give a crap about it and try to keep the game from being destroyed. The game overall as a whole, is not that bad, I wish you could seperate the 3 modes in different launchers as apposed to having zombies and multi tied, having to close the game down to switch modes is irritating but not a game breaker. Keep in mind I play all styles of FPS games and have an open mind to it. This is my opinion and not biased in any way. Anywho, i hope this helps a little i do rate this game a 7/10 because it's still the same COD, but with a couple new approaches yet still keeps you wanting "something else"
Αναρτήθηκε 4 Νοεμβρίου 2017.
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15.5 ώρες συνολικά
This is a review from a casual gamer with many games in my library of all styles of genres. Yes I do enjoy this game for what it is. An online melee fighter. You learn new moves from fighting others via AI or RLP's to add to your aresenal. You choose from 3 combat styles each with their own to fit your own style of approaching an enemy. IE:
If you are a brute fighter you can choose a style to absorb hits( Khalt ), parry via Forsaken, or lastly the avoid method of the Windfall. There is one more at this time called stagger which you will learn as you continue the story.

You have 4 trees or stances that you add 3 moves to and your total damage is totaled by the moves you choose. Damage is not everything because if you go all highest damage, the attributes you choose affect them as well as your movement. (you can't hit someone if they hit you first therefore super damage is useless)
The gear or clothes you aquire mainly affect your movement speed and protection from weapons. They at the moment are not as useful as I thought at the moment because most don't use weapons from what I have been playing and are really there for cosmetic use.

If you don't like pvp you can always play the game offline and only go against the AI and bosses known as marks. The variety of enemies are very slim and yes they have different moves and styles but most look very similar except the bosses. The time of completing the main story to become an Absolver is not long at all and I feel that the campaign was more of a 2 hour long tutorial(some beat it faster some longer).

Overall I had the sense that the game really needs more being more content as a whole. IE moves, styles, enviroments, bosses, AI variations, even more story which there is minimal of. Not quite sure what I want i just know i feel that it just needs more of everything.

Now as far as co op, you have the option to join player made Schools and you will learn their moves. You can equip them or choose your own but will only excel in the ranks of your school by fighting in pvp with your school style equipped. Now to be more clear on the moves of the schools, once you equip the school style, the stances are equipped with the moves if you have not learned them they will be greyed out and you must fighter a student and defeat them to learn them while they attack you with those specific moves.

Now as for stances let's say you are a Forsaken, yet u want to use the stagger style, u may choose the stagger style while using your forsaken ability of parry. If you choose the Stagger style as a whole u will only have those moves.

The sound in the game feels great for when you hit an opponent with a strong attack succesfully it feels rewarding.

Overall at the state of this game at this time, I give it a 7 out of 10 mainly because of the server issues in pvp, and the content. I strongly believe the game will only get better because the devs actually care and read the forums.
Αναρτήθηκε 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017.
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1.7 ώρες συνολικά (1.4 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
The nostalgia feel I get when playing this is amazing. At first was slow but then remembered that this is like the retro games I used to play like secret of mana, zelda, and more when i was a child. I find when reading the scripts that it's actually interesting so far in my short time of the game so far and am getting really into it. I am enjoying the combat and leveling up skills aka stances thruout and meeting new companions on my adventures. The movement is fast and not uber slow like in the old games, music is nice and fits quite well. The dev did an amazing job with this. I do believe I will continue this game thru out. GREAT JOB!
Αναρτήθηκε 9 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017.
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0.1 ώρες συνολικά
This tower defence game isn't bad it's a nice casual game not only for solo, but for co op as well. I didn't have anyone to play with but i checked it out and the set up is couch co op style with either kb and mouse or controllers. The graphics are flash style yet bold in colors which is nice. The game is super simple enough for no tutorial at all but they give you the basics during gameplay and that's it which I really like a lot. One option I noticed and had to try was the level editor. You can create your own level and save it for others to play or yourself. Easy layout buttons all there and just click and go. Overall it's your standard tower defence game with great casual music and as with every td game, there's always the enemy which in this game are herders and military style units that try and take your sheep. If one takes one of your sheep, your guns from towers can take them out which gives you your sheep back. If you are a TD fan check it out it's nice to play for something really bold in color and simple.
Αναρτήθηκε 2 Αυγούστου 2017. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 2 Αυγούστου 2017.
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0.3 ώρες συνολικά
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
Sword with Sauce : Alpha is actually quite interesting. Reminds me of an arcade style run and gun along with time trials. It runs very well, graphics are great for what they are and so are the physics along with it. Using an R9 390 and AMD FX 8370 at stock, game runs great. Now there are plenty of levels and difficulties to play with along with some neat gadgets to mix up your chain kills. It's very simple yet a great game for a casual playstyle.
I personally lost interest upon the first few tries because the music never changed, the variety of enemies are quite minimal(i saw only 3-4) It's like mirrors edge meets arcade simplistic bullet storm killing. It's truly not bad if you like these styles of games but for me it was too simple yet i know it's still in alpha. I will keep following the game to see the updates later on and do an updated review.
Αναρτήθηκε 19 Ιουλίου 2017. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 19 Ιουλίου 2017.
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8 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
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5.9 ώρες συνολικά (5.3 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
WOW, okay first thoughts of this game were okay what is this and why am I even bothering I never play games like this. Well holy crap was I wrong this game is pretty damn fun and somewhat nostalgic in a way. Do you remember the old days of clue? This is it in a new form. The game starts off on a wheel to spin your random role from a jailer, sheriff, jester, killer mafia and more. Now here's the thing, there can be more than one of those roles.
Each day you start off discussing who's what but careful not to go against your roles goal which is shown if u click your role near the top window. For instance, my role was the jester, my goal was to get lynched and convince everyone to hate me, i won, i made people join me in killing others then made them think, wait a min, why is this guy running the show why is he so mean, and they turned on me and voted me to death which fullfilled my role. After i died, i was able to haunt a player during the sleeping stage of the game(which is each night) and kill them. During the game you have a will near the top to type out things you noticed to help other player or hurt them or just write something funny. It also helps you in remembering what happend at night to narrow down the search. The game is a lot of typing and communication with other players. There are various modes to play and is more of a party game but for what it is, it's quite fun and made me stay until the end after my death to watch the others find out who was the winner. In my game there were two mafiosos and they killed everyone and won. I enjoy it and definantly say it's worth your time!
Αναρτήθηκε 13 Ιουλίου 2017. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 5 Μαΐου 2018.
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0.4 ώρες συνολικά (0.3 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
WOW i love it! The creature half way thru that looked like it was built from human bodies was AMAZING. Loved the quality and story so far. Crazy dokota fanning is in this right? Either way, reminded me a little of doom with some killing floor attached. Awesome can't wait for more!
Αναρτήθηκε 12 Ιουλίου 2017.
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15 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
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1.2 ώρες συνολικά
First 5 minutes of the game I got really into the music. I don't normally play strat games like Final Fantasy Tactics but this is pretty fun. Runs smooth as butter, GM's are active in chat, everyone is helpful so far in world chat. The help wiki, and ui is easy to use and to understand tho i learned most of it just tinkering around. It's bloody yes, u level up each character in your 3 person squad and get items per quests. You also can craft for those that like to grind for mats. Not bad honestly and it's freakin free. I have not seen anything that resembles pay to win because no ads came up, nor did i see any store that was noticable to get things. Just oldschool fun. Check it out it's damn free. Super small download(under 60mbs)
Αναρτήθηκε 15 Μαρτίου 2017.
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