How Many Now?
Aaron   Coventry, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Used to be known as TheCurePWN/HeadOnTheDoor on various Zombiemod servers on CS:S.

Dr Dorian 24 ago 2013, ore 13:10 
dont be a douche, pre-order Rome2 :P you know you want to
Shaft 25 mar 2012, ore 11:04 
How is CS:GO mate?
jordonblackstock 4 ago 2011, ore 15:23 
hey mate how did u find me on here? my mate from work been trying to find me and he cant
avacattt 9 lug 2011, ore 17:35 
yeah i'm going to admit i have no idea how to work this
Shaft 25 giu 2011, ore 3:15 
Dude, you've spent 22.78 days on CS:S
yokai 24 dic 2010, ore 5:55 
Hey Cure, it's Magnetic Pull. I miss playing zombie, we'll have to get some regulars back togethe or something! Lols, happy holidays.