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162.3 hrs on record (150.5 hrs at review time)
Vynikajúca hra, krásne prostredie, rozsiahly príbeh, hudba je epická. Ani nespomínam, že sa dá hrať podľa vlastnej vôle. Určite sa vyplatí. Je ako dobrá kniha, začnete a nemôžete prestať čítať.
Posted 29 March, 2024.
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5,702.5 hrs on record (3,629.4 hrs at review time)
game i looking good, you can also have some fun with it , but...
company servers are pure trash, they do not limit the ping, so often you will meet high ping players which are really hard to hit. becouse the server are such trash and the netcode is also trash you will have hard time and it can be very frustrating.
sooner or later you will get a vehicle which will be cursed by matchmaker and BR compresion. developer is not fixing this, it is allready few years and they did nothing to make it better. New players will have hard time. they will think buying a premium will help them but not, just money throwen out of the window.
Do not even try to contact support or report some bug or issue. Support will close your topic and say only something like : ,,issue is on your side, we on support do not have any contact with developers,, Developer will tell you : Filling tickets about game mechanic and server problems is not allowed and you should not do it, contac suport.
On the top of this is, the game is filled with BOTs, company do not work on the problem, and they allow you to report 5 of them in 6 hours. in 6 hours you can play with up to 40 bots.

If you are still going to try it prepare your self on language barier, absence of teamplay, hundreds of BOTs, game crash, game graphic abuse, server lags, ghost shells, not working mechanic, frustration from matchmaker, and much more. Better to not expect anything.Do not even start with this game, it is better so.
Posted 19 July, 2023. Last edited 31 July, 2024.
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267.4 hrs on record (264.7 hrs at review time)
nice game which can be played multiple times, it is suited for players which like to use also brain while playing. I would say it is mix of old school and modern game design.
Posted 3 July, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
57.3 hrs on record (44.1 hrs at review time)
unbalanced, AI is stupid, pathfinding sucks, units run away from the map. Not playable in 2v2 and above for axis factions. It is maybe Alfa, very poor game and very expensive for what you get. This game is clickbait and money graber nothing more.
Posted 14 April, 2023.
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186.3 hrs on record (151.5 hrs at review time)
hrám stále dookola
Posted 29 December, 2021.
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6.8 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
very relaxing for me
Posted 9 February, 2021.
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80.1 hrs on record (18.2 hrs at review time)

Posted 5 March, 2018. Last edited 19 July, 2020.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries