jeremiah   United States
Bef're i beginneth mine own actual comment, i wouldst liketh to apologizeth in advance f'r mine own inadequate leveleth of english proficiency. I am not a native speaketh'r of the w'rld's current lingua franca which unf'rtunately leads to me making num'rous embarrassing mistakes being madeth whenev'r i attempteth to communicateth using this language. Whenev'r i am remind'd of how i want the ability to convey mine own thoughts in an eloquent mann'r, i feeleth as though i has't committ'd a cardinal sineth, as though ev'ry english teachest'r in the w'rld is simultaneously shaking their headeth and sighing due to how utt'rly disappoint'd those gents art at me. Although i knoweth yond declaring s'rry to those of thee who is't art reading mine own comment shall not changeth the fact yond i faileth mis'rably to writeth and speaketh p'rfect english, i am writing this as a way to det'r a c'rtain typeth of people who is't cannot standeth po'r english (also known inf'rmally as grammar nazis) from fleering me by posting unwant'd and unnecessary comments detailing mine own ev'ry blund'r. In mine own humble opinion, making grammatical 'rr'rs shouldst beest p'rfectly acceptable as native speaketh'rs shouldst not expecteth non-native speaketh'rs to beest able to communicateth in their second 'r third languages eloquently. If 't be true thou art able to completely und'rstand what the oth'r p'rson wroteth, is th're very much a problem with what those gents've writ? nay, because the entire concept of communication is the exchange of inf'rmation between oth'r intelligent beings, which means yond nay matt'r how the exchange of inf'rmation is madeth, as longeth as the inf'rmation is accurately did share th're is not a fundamental issue with their ability to communicateth. To seeth t in anoth'r way, rememb'r yond someone who is't isn't fluent in english is fluent in anoth'r language. At which hour thee bethink about t this way, isn't t impressive f'r someone to speaketh a second language in any capacity? having empathy and respect art qualities yond art s'rely missing f'r far too many people these days, especially on the int'rnet. Yond being hath said, i am acknown yond not all netizens who is't c'rrect oth'rs art doing t to ridicule and shame. Th're art some who is't doth so with the intent to holp oth'rs improveth and groweth. Howev'r, displaying the failures of oth'r people publicly shall causeth the p'rson who is't is criticiz'd to feeleth negative emotions such as shame and dry sorrow due to the fact yond their mistaketh hast been madeth gross in sense which sev'rely und'rmines the pointeth those gents w're trying to maketh in spite of their unfamiliarity with the english language. In most circumstances people art not looking f'r language holp at which hour those gents posteth aught online. Most people just wanteth to enjoyeth themselves and has't a valorous timeth on the int'rnet which is wherefore i wouldst not encourageth c'rrecting oth'r people regardless of thy intentions. If 't be true thee very much doth wanteth to holp oth'rs with their spelling 'r grammar, i wouldst highly recommendeth thee to holp via messaging privately because not only shall thee not baffle anyone, thee can eke wend m're in-depth with thy explanation which i'm sure the oth'r p'rson shall greatly appreciateth if 't be true those gents wanteth holp, but i digress. I knoweth yond i've writ a did bite of an essay, but i desire i've madeth mine own points cleareth. Anyways, h're is the comment i did want to maketh:

sup nerds
Şu Anda Çevrimiçi
awesome sakura images 8 Haz 2019 @ 22:06 
If you pay attention
To what I'm about to show
There's no doubt that you will know
We were the ones