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Jio from Roku Roku Roku Satan 10 Thg12, 2023 @ 7:33pm 
god your so cute lol im having trouble writing this messge cus im scared ull reject me lol ur just so :hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts:♥♥♥ huggable >w<, but ya do u wanna go out sometime lol i was thinkin maybe we can goto starbucks and we can go bird spotting together, maybe watch cute cat videos on my iPhone in the coffee shop while we romantically stare at each other for hours stragiht >w< don't get me wrong i like sex but you look like the type of person i'd just romantically be with and forget all about sex and just give you a snog daily :3
StormClaymore 1 Thg09, 2023 @ 9:20pm 
tell jimmy he is ♥♥♥♥♥ made. his ass is mine the moment he touches a fighting game.
Jimmy 5 Thg12, 2020 @ 10:38pm 
tell stormclaymore he is bad at crouch jumping