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To whatever end, Fireheart.
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leng 10 Jul, 2024 @ 10:07am 
After our intense Dota 2 session, I barely managed to squeeze in some gym sets before my bath. It was a close call, but I avoided parental displeasure.

A new challenge has arisen: my father suggested I join a local Dota 2 tournament this weekend. I've been training rigorously, balancing gaming reflexes and gym routines. Your strategic insights have always been invaluable, and I'd be honored if you joined my team. With our combined prowess, we have a great chance of winning.

Let me know your availability for some practice matches before the event. We can refine our teamwork and strategies. My mum has agreed to delay my bath time for longer practice sessions.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. The water is running again, so I must sign off for now.
Vulpes Atrum 27 Dec, 2020 @ 2:48am 
Good evenying Couwtnyey, It has come to my attention that my time in the bath has ended. It is nyot time fow a quick session of Dota 2. It must be quick though as my mum is wunnying me a bath. My dad wiww be home soon and he gets weawwy cwoss when i'm diwty. I get diwty vewy quickwy whiwe pwaying Dota as I muwtitask the gym at the same time. I'm twying to gwow my pectowaw muscwes as to onye day nyuwse mysewf. I wouwd wuv to see you on the Dota battwefiewd befowe my bath is weady. Invite me when you'we nyext onwinye, I can heaw the watew fwowing.

Sweep weww
leng 28 Feb, 2019 @ 3:17pm 
Good evening Courtney, It has come to my attention that my time in the bath has ended. It is not time for a quick session of Dota 2. It must be quick though as my mum is running me a bath. My dad will be home soon and he gets really cross when i'm dirty. I get dirty very quickly while playing Dota as I multitask the gym at the same time. I'm trying to grow my pectoral muscles as to one day nurse myself. I would love to see you on the Dota battlefield before my bath is ready. Invite me when you're next online, I can hear the water flowing.

Sleep well,
leng 10 May, 2018 @ 9:58am 
halo cooter, would u wanna play dota 2 with me some time haha my mom sayed i needed to bathe tonight but i can lock my door haha i installed the lock myself i am a good boy :) im single btw just so you know but i want to play dota not with ur heart hahaha :) im a nice guy my main is tiny because he becomes big when excited :) i eat ass btw but not like thats relevant as all i want from you is your hand in dota marriage.
leng 16 Dec, 2017 @ 7:51am 
*.* . + _/\_. * . * .. + . * . * . * * .. * *
*. +. * ),” ( . * . + * . +. + . * .+ . * + . * . * . * .
……… /……\\…………_/\_
…….. /……..\\………*>,”<
……. /_____\\\……*Silent Night,
…. {`______`}\\….* , + * Star Above,
…{………u….`-”}\\\..+ *.*.+.*.+ Blessed Gifts
… {………………}\…..*,+*.._/\_ * + . of hope
…. /{…………..}\\………*,..>,”< + * *+and love,
… /….”…………”…\\…*……..*
.. /_/……`”`…..\\\\_\\..* + ., * * , +*
..{__}##{ ]##{__}\
..(_/\\\\\\\|\\\\\_/\\_)\..Have a Joyous Christmas Season!
…….|___|___|\\……..+ * , . * ** * , . * +
…………..MERRY CHRISTMAS……………..
leng 15 Dec, 2017 @ 9:26am 
Greetings Coutney, I have recently engaged in the forbidden act of self cleansing using natural water. If you would like to play Defence of The Ancients: 2 with me sometime please contact my attorney.