You were always right mom

Internet really destroyed my life
This isn't a disrespectful question btw.
If you are catholic, you believe that jesus christ was a complete human, and is completely divine. Now, if you deny that Jesus Christ, himself, did not have sexual temptations, is to deny him being a complete human; which therefore makes you a blasphemer of god.

Therefore you must now answer: What do you think provided the most temptation to our lord and savior Jesus Christ? Boobs, or ass?
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Do you like Fallout? The earlier games were a little too "outdated" for my taste, but when New Vegas came out in '010, I think the franchise really came into it's own, commercially and artistically.

The whole game has detailed, crisp world-building, and a new sheen of consummate storytelling that really gives the game's replayability a big boost. It's been compared to Fallout 4, but I think New Vegas is a far more grittier and faithful Fallout title.

In Obsidian released this, Lonesome Road, New Vegas' most accomplished DLC, but I think their undisputed masterpiece was Dead Money, a DLC so difficult, most people probably won't even replay it, but they should. Because it's not just about the pleasures of gameplay, or the importance of gold bars. It's also a philosophical statement about 'letting go' in itself.
Expositor de artwork destacado
1 1
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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
2 2