Mrs. Whiskers
Chris P. Bacon
What to do when life gives you lemons.
Don't make lemonade!
Make life take the lemons back.
Get MAD!
Yell I don't want your damn lemons!
Demand to see life's manager.
Burn down their house.
Science Laboratories

-B.M.O.C. ✓
-Earbuds ✓
-S.F. Scatter ✓
-Strange Holy Mackeral ✓
-Essential Accessories

Hello anyone reading this,
This all happened a while ago, on May 13, 2013. I was in TF2 trading, and met this guy called -GoV- TonyBaretta •̪̀●́ ( . He was selling a Summer Hat, I said that I'd give him most of my backpack for his summer hat, and looking through my backpack, he sent me a trade. I put up my whole backpack except some crates and a Strange Festive Scattergun. According to's spreadsheet, my combined total that I traded was 2.98 buds, while his hat was 2.5-3 buds, therefor I payed a bit over. -GoV- TonyBaretta •̪̀●́ felt that this trade was fair, and I asked him right before trading if this is what he wanted, and he told me that it looks about right. He accepted the trade and traded me. After we traded, I thought this was a fair trade, we both got what we wanted. But after a few minutes, -GoV- TonyBaretta •̪̀●́ was angrily asking me where the Strange Festive Scattergun was. I was confused, because we had an even trade, and we did it fairly. The Strange Festive Scattergun by itself was 2.5 buds, and everything else in my backpack that I just traded him was 3 buds. I did't understand why -GoV- TonyBaretta •̪̀●́ wanted my Strange Festive Scattergun, because 1. we had agreed to trade on what we had put out on the trade 2. I never told him that I'd give him my Strange Festive Scattergun, never, not once, and 3. if I had added this Scattergun, I would have been paying 5 buds on a 2.5 bud hat, so paying 2.5 buds too much. -GoV- TonyBaretta •̪̀●́ knew the prices of everything, and once he saw that I never added me Strange Festive Scattergun, he was mad because he wanted to take advantage of me and get a good deal. But he already got a good deal, so it seemed like he just wanted to scam me. And after this, he was saying that either I gave him my Strange Festive Scattergun, or that he would mark me as a scammer. But this is black mailing, in a sense saying that either I give you my 2 earbud Strange Festive Scattergun or I say that you are a scammer. I thought that this was absurd, so I didn't give in to giving it to him, because I didn't want him to scam me. So, later, he marked me as a scammer, and I told tf2outpost what had happened, but it seemed like he overpowered them. This admin, -GoV- TonyBaretta •̪̀●́, never had any proof of me doing anything bad, (because I didn't), so he wrongly accused me of something that I never did, but the ironic thing is that he was trying to scam me. But being an admin, he had no proof or evidence, and he overpowered me, so I couldn't do anything, because of the corruption in this.

I want to thank whichever admin is reading this, and please, do help me out in this unfortunate event. If you have any questions, please reply to me, and I want this problem to be solved,

Thank you,

Mrs. Whiskers (
Currently Offline
< blank > 15 Feb, 2018 @ 7:01pm 

-every cool all-class hats
-certain hats/miscs from classes
-every regular festive for every other class
-every vinatage weapon and most vintage hats

(side set-up)

White BMOC/ White Bill's hat
Fast Learner
Essential Accesories
Festive Scatter
Festive Bonk
Festive Fish
Heroruub 12 Jul, 2013 @ 4:43pm 
+rep good trader
Crass Spektakel 13 Jun, 2013 @ 11:51am 
+rep good trader, knows how to haggle