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5.2 ч. всего
Oooo sweet bubbly goodness. This isn't bad. Best explanation of the premise? It's essentially Risk with some additional depth added on plus it even has a battle system. The battle system itself in the simplest explanation is like paper (infantry), rock (cavalry), and scissors (artillery). Now give paper, rock and scissors passive bonuses like experience/promotions and general support buffs and you've about got the idea. There is also a naval component in the game but I tried to avoid that like the plague since I was playing as France. You've even got event cards which are played on the campaign map to give you some sort of bonus. Such as extra troops, upgraded unit types, creating new nations, etc etc. All in all, it's a simple game but sometimes the AI can be pretty brutal and punish you if you make mistakes.

In summation, great game for wargame fans or RISK fans who are looking for a bit more depth to your global conquest. Definitely recommended.

Gameplay Footage:
Опубликовано 20 марта 2016 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 5
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2.1 ч. всего
This game is infuriating. Full of cheap tricks, with enemies who can attack just out of range of you and hard to read moves due to the pixelated nature of the graphics. However, it's also pretty fun and you can't help but yell out in joy when you finally bring down an opponent who has defeated you 15 times. The purpose of the game is you are a Bastard Knight who walks from one end of a map to the other. You'll be faced with enemies that must be blocked, dodged and parried if you wish to make it to the end. You'll start with peasants with pitchforks and cattle and by level 2 you'll be fighting pikemen and horse-mounted lancers. The only way to defeat these enemies is to figure it out, step by step. There are no hints, no guides, no tutorials and no power-ups that will give you an edge in combat. It's just you, your dodge, your block and your sword. The difficulty is pretty high and potions that heal are far and few between, generally one per level. Oddly enough, it makes me think of a side-scrolling Dark Souls due to the unforgiving nature and the expectation that you will die... a lot... until you figure out how to defeat your enemies.

Essentially, I found this game to be frustratingly hard but every little victory felt like I had overcome all the odds and I could see I was getting better at the game. For the low price and the relatively simple concept, I would definitely recommend this one to masochists.

Gameplay Footage:
Опубликовано 10 марта 2016 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 82
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10.6 ч. всего (8.5 ч. в момент написания)
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This is probably one of the best games I've ever played. Keep in mind, I don't make that statement lightly. Factorio is one part real-time strategy game, one part management tycoon-esque game, and another part survival game. You start with some iron in your inventory and after about 10 hours in, you have an absolutely massive automated factory generally too big for you to see all on one screen yet for some reason you never forget what each part of the factory is doing. You'll go from coal powered machinery billowing out clouds of smog to electric furnaces buzzing with logistic robots. By the end you will see thousands of machine arms moving resources/goods to storage containers, furnaces or assembling machines and assuming you've done it right, it will all go off without a hitch. Trains delivering fresh ore to the main factory lines being unloaded in perfect unison onto conveyor belts to be refined into intermediate products which allow for research and more intense production. I don't even know where to start or end when discussing this game because it's just so damn well done and it's so much fun to play. If ever there was a game worth grabbing for 20 bucks and playing with friends, it was definitely Factorio. I promise you won't regret it.

Gameplay Footage:
Опубликовано 8 марта 2016 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 13
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9.8 ч. всего
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Oh this is good. This game is real good. While lacking the polish of a finished title (still early access and all that) there is no doubt in my mind that The Hive is a game I'm glad I've had the opportunity to try out. The Hive is a RTS that is very heavy on the story elements. Basically, you'll be exploring this world as much as you will be smashing your foes and managing resources.

The story is your usual, "we had to escape Earth because it got screwed" storyline except instead of taking on the predictable role of the Human Race, you actually play as a mysterious Insectoid race known as The Hive. You'll solve puzzles while also killing animals for food and amassing hordes of insects to kill Lizardmen, skeletons and all manner of bad guys. You'll meet old gods, titan-like creatures and you'll have to bring down some seriously over powered enemies.

In terms of sound, artwork, and level design, this game exceeds on levels that very much remind me of Warcraft 3. Truly, the game actually feels very similar to WC3, except if you had a whole race devoted to large number horde tactics and passive buffs that make the horde even more powerful (Sort of like the beetle guys the undead had in FT). I love all the little details in this game as well. Like when your workers are harvesting resources, they create a little pile that actually gets bigger the more they gather and a tiny beetle creature comes and transports the resources back to the base. It's so insignificant but it's just an extra piece of world building that helps immerse one in the game. Mechanically, the game is just as sound, there are a few tactics that seem more effective than others and I'll refrain from spoiling anything for now but I'm sure as time goes on, it will be ironed out.

In summation, this game is pretty solid and I can't help but look optimistically towards it's final release.

Gameplay Footage:
Опубликовано 6 марта 2016 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 55
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0.8 ч. всего
I don't know what game the people in the other reviews are playing but this is nowhere near being a "great" game. There is definitely passion and a concept but the execution leaves me wanting to play better shooters. And I think that's the one thing this game does so wrong, it's presentation just feels cheap.

The sound effects sound muffled or that they came from an early 2000's shooter. The voice acting is hilarious and your character's catchphrase seems to be "Yes Boss." Just the things the characters say in this game are uncomfortable and unnatural. For example, HQ or headquarters is called headquarter in this game and responses to questions don't sound right. Now the voice acting can probably be attributed to the script which I don't believe has translated very well from the original language to English. You'll also notice that there are grammatical errors all over the place ingame.

Furthermore, he gameplay feels slow and a bit uncomfortable. A good comparison would be how the Starship Troopers shooter was, it feels out of date despite the fact that it's a new game. It's almost like the whole game is just missing that fine polish that one would expect from a modern day shooter. Maybe I'm just spoiled by all the big budget shooters we have now-a-days but there are still indie shooters I would recommend over this one. Insurgency, for example. Control is tight, guns feel meaty and effective in that game. They don't here.

On the plus side, the graphics aren't half bad. There is some tearing here or there with a really weird haze that surrounds items sometimes but for the most part the game looks competent.

In summation, save your cash. While not a terrible shooter, it's not a very good one and there are far better games on the market for the same price or less.

Gameplay Footage:
Опубликовано 3 марта 2016 г.. Отредактировано 3 марта 2016 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 29
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4.2 ч. всего
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This game is a mish-mash of a couple different genres that just works so well. You've got cards (soon deck-building), turn-based tactical battles (that is a combination of chess and HOMM) with a simplified 4x empire building system and you've got Last Days of Old Earth. It should be mentioned that this game is a "spiritual" successor to a game called Armageddon Empires (never actually played it).
In the game, you take control of one of two factions and by attempt to defeat the opponent using a deck of cards filled with heroes and units that you produce with three resources that are produced over turns but can be increased with collectors. Units are varied (some are support and work better in the back lane than the front lane. Arty for example) and they have special abilities. Heroes lead your armies and provide buffs depending on their 4 stats and any special abilities they have (+1 attack etc). My explanation is terrible but the game itself is pretty simple and you'll find your self dominating your enemies rather quickly.
Graphically, the game has a lot in common with Endless Legend and Armello. It's rather beautiful and I really enjoy this polygonal graphics trend amongst 4x and strategy games lately. Musics pretty solid as well.
As it stands, the game's worst issue is it can get a bit boring against the AI after about 5 games or so. Thankfully, there is multiplayer and soon there will be a Single Player Campaign to play through.
In summation, a solid early access title so far! Can't wait to see some new additions and the finished product.

Gameplay Footage:
Опубликовано 3 марта 2016 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 27
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4.7 ч. всего
People who like board games are going to like this. People who like Warhammer are really going to like this. People who like board games and Warhammer are going to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love this. Allow me to take the time to explain this to you with my awful grammar and dry sense of humor.

TL:DR/Gameplay Version - Scroll to Bottom

Talisman is a board game by Games Workshop that was originally transferred to a digital version a few years ago by the same guys who made this game. Talisman is a game where you defeat monsters, gather equipment, gain followers and eventually try to become the strongest hero in the land. Now take that concept, replace equipment with Space Marine companies and vehicles, monsters with chaos and Titan Legions and the replace the final battle with the massive encounter between Horus and The Emperor himself. It's also worth noting that there are two factions in the game for those unfamiliar with Warhammer 40,000 lore; the Loyalists and the Traitors. The loyalists fight to protect the Emperor of Mankind and the Traitors fight for Horus against the Emperor. I'm sure it's obvious which side you should choose. (The Emperor Protects).

Now here comes the part where I give you a rather poor tutorial of how the game works. You start out with by choosing a character, if you want to be a Loyalist Commander (good) or a Traitor Commander (bad). Each Primarch/Praetor/Captain has special abilities and varying stats to choose from so it's beneficial to take your time and read each one's specials. For you loyalists, Roboute Guilliman is a good place to start... and Traitors can start with Mortarion or Angron. Every commander has 6 basic stats aside from their special ability. These are Resolve (health), Fate (rerolls), Resources (used for buying junk or paying "tolls"), Melee Combat, Ranged Combat and Strategy (used for various combat rolls, only used when stated). You can increase your Combat skills (Melee/Ranged) by fighting enemies of the same type and leveling up based on it's combat skill. For example, to increase your melee, you have to use melee fighting. You need 7 exp to level up so if you fight a Combat skill of 6, you'll need to fight one more opponent of at least 1 to lvl up. If your opponent has 7 or more, you pretty much level up on kill. It should be noted that equipment, fleets, companies and legions (followers) will also increase your melee and ranged combat skills. It'll tell you which. Your stats can also be increased/decreased by various events that occur when you move spaces.
These events are generally "dataslates" (encounters). Encounters can be equipment, fleets, bad guys etc etc. Most of the time you'll run into bad guys and you'll have to kill them (combat works like Munchkin, units on the same tile that are allowed with you can support you in combat).

There are 3 zones (regions) in the game and as mentioned previously, your goal is to reach the inner region and save/kill the Emperor. The outer region is the largest and is the safest for newbs. The mid region is smaller and a bit more threatening, expect to be fighting the other players a lot in this zone. The Inner Region is the final region and has the hardest encounters by far... do not even try to go here unless your combat skill is at least 10 in either category. Also, bring a Talisman... if you don't bring a Talisman you won't be able to fight either Horus or the Emperor in the Final Battle. You'll just have to turn back around and go complete a quest to get one (did I not mention that? You have to complete an errant quest on your corresponding factions planet in the mid region (Davin for Traitors, Titan for Loyalists)). I could go on but I think I've explained enough for someone to get started.

What does this game do right? Well a lot actually. Aesthetically, it's freaking awesome! This is some of the best 40k artwork I've ever seen and realy brings the game alive. There isn't much in the way of animations or graphics which is a shame but the game's presentation is absoultely stellar with a painstakingly ridiculous amount of detail placed into each unit card, each event card and all the game's assets. The game itself is also a lot of fun, although it does take about 2-3 hours just to complete one game at the fastest setting and I don't think the tutorial does an adequate job explaining the game. It might be because it was just too wordy (I'm just being nitpicky). This is also one of the most lore heavy 40k games I've ever seen, with short descriptions on every single in game item/unit/commander that helps explain the lore to those who are unintiated.

Is there anything that is blatantly bad? Not from the time I've played so far. The dice-rolls can be frustrating sometimes but that's any game involving an RNG (I feel like I roll waaaaay too many ones). Aside from that, this game is a great purchase for any board game enthusiast or Warhammer fan.

Approved by the God-Emperor of Mankind.

Gameplay Footage:
Опубликовано 23 февраля 2016 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 12
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4.4 ч. всего
This is one of those games I wish I could give a neutral opinion on. It's not inherently bad, yet it's not all that great. Allow me to explain, dear reader.

Planet 1138 is an Action/RTS game where you control a "Command Buggy" that has rockets, a machine gun, a shield and nitrous that captures bases which then produce units and pushes them down the lane towards the enemy base. As the game goes on and you complete levels, you will unlock new upgrades which passively upgrade your buggy to deal more damage or to upgrade the turrets on support bases. Honestly, the game is more of a MOBA like Warshift than it is an Action/RTS like Battlezone or Uprising: Join or Die. There are a ton of levels to play through with super challenging AI and even multiplayer. Overall, the gameplay is solid enough, it works and it is competent.

This all sounds great right? Well, it's more meh than it is good. The core concept is amazing, I'm a huge fan of Uprising: Join or Die and I'd kill to have another one or at the very least an Action/RTS that operates in the same style but that is aside the point. Planet 1138 is meh because of presentation and the cheating nature of the AI opponent.

Presentation you say? Well yes, unfortunately all the menus in the game look as though they were made in paint.NET and the game has the barest of aesthetic qualities. While this isn't bad in itself, it makes the game look more like a first time flash game than an actual 9.99 Steam game. While this isn't meant to be a knock on the dev but I'd highly recommend they hire on someone who can redesign the menus or the interface in general. I truly believe that presentation is one of the most important qualities when designing anything and I'd love to see some more work put into the game's aesthetics.

My second problem? The AI is utter ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Somehow he can lock on to you and shoot at you from every angle while you can only autoaim at opponent's directly in front of you. The AI isn't foolish enough to sit still and let you shoot at him, he will drive circles around you and pummel you into the dirt. It causes the AI to be super aggressive while the player has to fight defensively by standing next to bases and such. This may just be me being a noob but it seems like the AI has a naturally unfair advantage in the game.

In conclusion, not a bad game, not a great game. With some work, I can see this being an amazing first attempt by the studio. For now, I can't recommend it at 9.99. I would at 5.99 though. Seems more reasonable of a price.

Gameplay Footage:
Опубликовано 20 февраля 2016 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 11
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1.4 ч. всего (0.2 ч. в момент написания)
Simplistic text-based Gladiator Management sim. Indepth enough to keep you entertained for a few hours yet casual enough that you'll be able to pick it up and just start playing. While it's definitely lacking on the aesthetic side of things, the music and writing is more than enough to make up for the graphical animations. Personally, I wish they would've delved a bit more into the equipment side of things, maybe given more weapons or changed the effects that weapons could have on a Gladiator's effectiveness in combat. For example, a giant 2-handed hammer would probably slow down your gladiator but his attacks would be downright nasty.
In a short and sweet note, this is definitely something that text-based gamers will enjoy but also those who are fans of management style games can find something to like.

-Very helpful tooltips althrough the game's screens that explain everything indepth yet don't clutter the screen.
-Love the writing, simplistic but it gives a great visual
-Music, although loops, is downright soothing
-Simple but fun text-based management

-Very limited Aesthetics throughout the game
-Limited equipment selection, most customization for fighters comes from their stats.
-Sometimes you feel like you get cheated by the RNG but the game can be forgiving
-Feels like you've done everything after a few hours of play

Gameplay Footage:
Опубликовано 15 февраля 2016 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 34
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12.5 ч. всего
Aside from Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon, I was quite unfamiliar with the Order of Battle games. It wasn't until I saw the Morning Sun expansion, which involves the Japanese invasion of the Chinese Mainland, that I realized I need to play these games. I have not regretted one, single hour. Order of Battle is a wargame in the same vein as the Panzer Corps games so veterans will feel right at home reqqing in troops and trying to overcome superior AI to complete objectives that vary from Defend these Points, Wipe out this many units or simply take these cities. You have control of an absolutely ludicrous amount of units for each faction which allows you to customize your force, from battle to battle, in whatever way you choose. Are you more of an Air General who likes to command squadrons of aircraft to bomb enemy positions and maintain air superiority or are you a more aggressive general who focuses on overwhelming tank assaults to capture objectives? I'm personally the latter. In all seriousness, the unit variation between each playable faction is downright impressive. If you've played WH40k: Arma, you're probably familiar with what I'm talking about and it should be said, the unit variation is one of this game's best features. I also love the focus of the expansion being in the rather ignored Japanese Invasion of China before and during WW2. This allows the devs to really bring a more unique view to WW2, especially since you play as the Japanese.

Order of Battle: Pacific also features a completely new and updated graphics engine that is full of great animations, burning tank/plane carcasses as battles drag on. This is a huge improvement for me over Armageddon because the animations really bring the battles to life. What's better, if you're not a fan of it, you can even switch to a more classic 2D mode through the options menu. There is also a campaign in the game which is were you'll be spending a majority of your time. The campaign doesn't really allow you to choose where to fight except in a few rare occasions, it's more of a mission to mission set up. However, units are persistent and units depleted at the end of the last mission will be depleted at the start of the new mission but will also be more effective than just requisitioning inexperienced units.

I only have two complaints in regards to the game. The first being, some of the missions feel like they drag on for far too long. For example, the first mission in the American campaign was kind of drag and it might be because Pearl Harbor isn't exactly untread territory. It also feels like that the AI calculations can eat up large portions of time inbetween turns and this feels like it lengthens a missions required completion time to double. Some may find that to be a negligible complaint but for me, it's a really nagging one.

In summary, this is a blast of game and I'm glad I got the chance to experience it! I truly cannot wait to see what other expansions are released for it. I wouldn't mind seeing some more "What-if?" scenarios either.
Gameplay Footage:
Опубликовано 4 февраля 2016 г..
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