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10.4 hrs on record
A fantastic evolution of the first game. Feels familiar, but it's quite different! It's pretty much a wholly different game from the first. I quite liked the story and the impact of your choices. There were some minor issues I had, I'm not sure if it was a me problem or a problem with the game itself, so I don't think it's worth going into detail about. Hubs felt like a weak addition. They weren't explained very well, so it was hard for me to know what to do with them aside from using them as + to stockpile limits.

All in all, if you liked the first, you're likely going to enjoy this one.
Posted 15 January.
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4.5 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
As an adult, I cannot in good faith recommend this to another adult. While visually appealing and looking competently made - game play feels like it's meant for children. I'm not sure if I'll be able to describe it well enough, but it feels like I'm just running around punching people and they can't stop me. I know I haven't played a whole lot or more than a handful of characters, but every match just feels the same. Bland, weightless, and somehow little interaction. This is a steam review and no one really takes these seriously. It's free, so try it out, but anyone over the age of 18 has probably already played a more enjoyable game of this sort at some point, this is too watered down to be fun.
Posted 14 December, 2024.
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5.1 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I've never been a big fan of POE 1. I've tried many times over the years and it's never really clicked for me. I've had times where I've had a decent time and played for a few days, but I never made it past act 4 or 5.

This is fantastic. Built in WASD controls that feel natural. The dodge mechanic helps make the game feel more action-y and less passive, which has always been a source of contention for me in all ARPGs. They're very dull and mindless. This doesn't feel like it at all. WASD controls alone are probably what does the most for me here. I've always found the left click only style of ARPGs to be too basic and clunky for me. Completely solved with WASD controls.

Combat feels weighted, meaningful, and powerful.

I played as a Monk and have been loving the flow of combat. Built on performing combos in a variety of ways that had me making decisions and learning constantly.

Music and sound design are excellent. Level design and graphics are excellent. Leveling up and acquiring new skill gems and upgrading them feels so much simpler and more impactful than in POE 1.

I'm really happy to see that the hype behind this has proven to be true. GGG has not only created a fantastic product, they've shown respect for their customers by porting over POE 1 cosmetics for free. I saw that when I was looking around at the MTX shop and was pleasantly surprised to see that.

As someone who plays each ARPG for a few hours before losing interest and quitting (POE 1, Last Epoch, Diablo, Titan Quest, etc). This feels like the first entry that might have me stick around for once.
Posted 7 December, 2024.
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17.1 hrs on record (14.5 hrs at review time)
Zero performance issues, no real qualms with the game, yet.

I'm having a great time with this. Maybe eventually I'll do a multiplayer match, but playing with bots at my own pace is super chill. It has been years since I've played a game like this, glad to see it return.
Posted 19 August, 2024.
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30.1 hrs on record (13.8 hrs at review time)
This game does an incredible job of recreating an MMORPG raid in a coop game. There is a great variety of classes to choose from, each "zone" feels different and distinct. Hard mode feels very different from normal mode. This game has done an incredible job of making that final fantasy vibe. I really really hope the dev continues to update and expand the game, because they have struck gold here.
Posted 8 June, 2024.
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110.6 hrs on record (67.2 hrs at review time)
This game has a really addictive game play loop. Thankfully, it's very fun. My only problem are the players and the lack of ability to punish them. I've had multiple terrible experiences because of other players, but there's no way to report them. Otherwise, a very well balanced and fun third person shooter.
Posted 21 March, 2024.
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64.7 hrs on record (22.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's a pretty fun/chill/spooky puzzle game. There's quite a bit of depth and learning, improving feels rewarding. Each "figure out what the ghost is" can typically run 5 to 20 minutes on many maps. The larger ones are kind of a pain in the ass, so I don't play them often. With my limited experience on the larger maps, they can be 30+ minutes.

The VR implementation of the game is cool, but very lacking. I appreciate that they even made it, but it's not a great experience. I'd love to play it in VR more often, but it's just so damn clumsy, For example, in order to hold an item in your hand, there's two different options to switch between in settings. Toggle and hold. Toggle is awkward because you kinda need to keep your hand from touching the sensors on the controller, otherwise it'll just drop your item. Hold works much better, but I felt like I needed to have a tight grip otherwise things would drop. Some of the items are difficult to see/read, the thermostat in particular. Out of VR, you can read it no problem. In VR, I have to bring it up to my face like a blind old lady reading the newspaper. Even then it's not terribly clear.

I've only been playing for the past couple months, but I get the impression that development has dragged. I am excited to see where the game goes with its launch coming up. All in all, it's a rewarding puzzle of deduction and can be pretty scary and spooky!!
Posted 8 February, 2024.
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48.9 hrs on record (10.8 hrs at review time)
Best 3D fighter returns with the strongest entry in history. Absolute loads of single player content that has actually been fun! Online experience has been good so far. Lastly, training mode is the most feature packed ever seen in any fighting game before, it's incredible.

After spending a few more hours in online matches: the netcode is considerable worse than SF6, but better than tekken 7. I really really hope improvement are possible, because it really needs it. If both players are on ethernet, you'll have a good time, but if one player is on wifi, you will experience some lag. Not terrible, but more than what should be allowed in 2024.
Posted 28 January, 2024. Last edited 29 January, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
83.2 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
Very very buggy game, not a deal breaker for me, but I definitely recommend giving this a try if you're interested in a great WH40k game.

Writing is excellent.
They nailed the 40k setting.
Cool and interesting decisions to make.
Very much grimdark, as it should be.
Unique leveling system.
Companions are interesting and fit the enough of the niche's I was hoping for.
Ship combat exists and I dig it, but I know it's not for everyone.

Combat, could be better, it feels pretty clunky and can fights can be a chore/sluggish at times, but it's serviceable.
Leveling System - feels like it doesn't explain or assist you enough. There's lots of times where you can add on an additional feature to a skill, but it only tells you the name of it, it's up to you to remember what that skill is and does. I like the different archetypes, but it feels like it needs a lot more polish.

Bug. I haven't encountered them myself, but I know certain quests have been bugged enough that the game can't progress, but I think they may have fixed all of those by now. Just something to be aware of. The most egregious bugs for me are certain skills/abilities not doing anything, really only applies to "motivation" abilities, which are like an "ultimate", so it not working hurts even more.

Lack of full character respec. You can only respec in the current archetype you're leveling, of the 3 you can have, that's pretty weak.

All in all, I'm loving this game and recommend it to any WH40k fan that's been waiting for a great game.
Posted 9 December, 2023. Last edited 7 January, 2024.
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43.6 hrs on record (7.7 hrs at review time)
To preface, I think DOOM Eternal is the best single player FPS ever crafted. I was skeptical about a roguelike with DOOM Eternal combat feel. However, after an hour or two I got it, it really is what it says it is. This game is incredible and fun as hell. It absolutely nails the combat and gameplay. The only real con I can give the game is the voice acting, but really, who care's about that? I highly recommend this game if you enjoyed DOOM Eternal.
Posted 13 October, 2023.
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