Certifiable Birdbrain

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If you want to make a trade, use this trade link to make me an offer. If you want to negotiate via chat or have other business, leave your reason in my profile comment section; I will respond at some point. Don't purely ask me to add you or accept your add request without a reason.

Otherwise, don't add me if you don't know me: I'll accept add requests if you've ever had mutual interactions or correspondence with me (on forums, in-game, etc.) at some point.

Crafter 18 дек. 2021 в 16:43 
likewise bro, good market gardening well played
saatana 29 ян. 2018 в 8:33 
Aureold 10 авг. 2017 в 4:12 
Add me bro' I know texturing but I'd like to learn modelling.
nozk92 14 юни 2017 в 14:09 
+ rep nice trader and honest
BRESTICLES 10 юни 2017 в 5:48 
Oh nu u sold the shell shocker
BRESTICLES 10 юни 2017 в 5:45 
Added for the launcher