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1.2 h registradas (1.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A superb use of your time. Perhaps it helped that (as a college-age student), the game feels like it was created for and by another college-age student. I can't fully understand the theme, as it's a very malleable and personal experience, but I really felt the game draw me in close and allow me to empathize through relatable writing. Special mention goes to the haunting soundtrack, and dream-like smudgy art style.

Overall, the most disarmingly cozy and dread-inducing game I've played, to be enjoyed in short 20 minute spurts for each playthrough. I'd love to see more of this!
Publicada el 2 de junio de 2019. Última edición: 2 de junio de 2019.
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50.4 h registradas (27.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
As a game, and a board game adaptation, it's beautifully designed. Sadly it's technical aspects let it down, and led me to experience the worst matchmaking system I've ever been held hostage by. Of my first 12 games, I finished 4 - this was due to personal disconnects, other player disconnects (leading to a mass exodus of players that could not reconnect and AI that does not take actions on their behalf), and glitches, oh the glitches.

Glitches are largely forgivable, but not when a single glitch can lose you almost an hour's worth of progress (roughly the length of 1 mp match). I was randomly disconnected without an option to rejoin (I have never seen this fabled 'rejoin' button), my entire screen turned orange, the game camera froze on game start, the menus would glitch on character selection and assign me a random hero...and this doesn't mention the crippling UI glitch sometimes triggered on quest completion, where your dice roll to pass or fail the quest and (critically) get your hands on a particular item is often inaccurately shown. This is infuriating.

There are other annoyances with the matchmaking, but these happen pre-game and only cost you seconds. It's the ones that can cost you hours that kill the game stone dead.

This really saddens me, as Armello is otherwise a joy to play. I love the Redwall-like premise, the different win conditions and mechanics, the CSGO skins system, and the sense of progression with items and rank and character level. Barring a couple of imbalance issues (Magna and Fang stand out to me as a new player) all of these components slot together tidily. I just wish the game allowed me to play it.
Publicada el 31 de mayo de 2019. Última edición: 2 de septiembre de 2019.
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A 7 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
15.9 h registradas
'Inspired by Saban's Power Rangers' - a dev's note that reveals everything you need to know about Chroma Squad: a charming, nostalgic game bursting with an energy that makes up for some of its deeper flaws.

While there are multiple satisfying systems to dive into, including crafting, base building, character customisation (in both skills and equipment) and giant mecha fights, early combat is simpler than in other tactics games and rather dull until you unlock more of your powers. Not only that, you will be facing those same early 4 or 5 enemy types for the rest of the game.

It doesn't help that you are rarely challenged. Even the hardest difficulty is trivial - AI would ignore my weakened units, skip turns, and sometimes glitch and forget their own powers, and this doesn't even mention your Mecha which is categorically indestructible (even in the 'unwinnable' final fight). This problem carries over to the campaign screen, where income and audience were tossed around like sweets, making the Director's Instructions almost irrelevant.

Having said all of that, I had so much fun along the way. The game's relentless positivity is infectious, and I particularly enjoyed how much you could personalise your squad members, each of whom had defined roles and satisfying abilities. Combat manages to outshine its flaws and put on a good show, everything looks and sounds great, and you'll get plenty of replayability out of the multiple endings. Recommended almost without reservation if you enjoy tactics games.
Publicada el 10 de mayo de 2019. Última edición: 9 de septiembre de 2019.
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13.0 h registradas
A buggy, broken mess - character wipes, random disconnects, poor optimization, wonky menus, and a complete inability to handle the tide of free-weekend players: nearly a third of my attempts to join a server fell apart instantly, or within a few minutes of joining. Most infuriatingly, to even reach this point you are forced to navigate a broken server browser that doesn't work with half of its own filters and will always misrepresent what time of day it is - dunking you in pitch-black night when you were promised midday sun.

Those chosen or lucky players that get through are given a good first impression; a sprawling, varied world map, backed up with a rich loot system and complex survival mechanics. Every scrap of progress is earned, and cherished. Most of your memories will come from other players: saviours, backstabbers, bandits, or just other bambis.

Somewhere there is an amazing concept for a game, but it's swamped in jank. Firing up a vehicle is extremely tedious without a team, and teamplay would be impossible without the help of a 3rd party map that somehow isn't in the base game. There are little or no zombies throughout most of the map, and those that do turn up can rarely be relied on to obey physics - speaking of which, the directional sound is so consistently poor that without your eyes you will never sniff out threats. With so few vehicles and building materials I have no idea what endgame content there could be. Whatever label the devs attach to this game, it's still an alpha.

I also hate how long nights are. Hate it.
Publicada el 15 de diciembre de 2018. Última edición: 15 de diciembre de 2018.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
614.0 h registradas (299.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Almost perfect. For a long time I would have opined this to be the gold standard in Total War games - for the historical fan it offered an expansion on the exotic magic and monsters of Warhammer 1, and for the tabletop fans it introduced the more fantastical races with more ambition and faithful detail than ever. Mortal Empires was the pinnacle of this, both game maps mashed together into one huge campaign - a campaign which showed off the best of its global map strategy and real-time battle tactics.

Weaknesses (such as the one-dimensional sieges and flatness of older races) were concealed by dedicated modders, and eventually CA themselves once they began releasing DLC that reached across both games to offer extra race content for the old guard of the Old World. Although there is now an intimidating amount of dlc, I would say it all justifies its asking price, and you will certainly get your money's worth from this title. These days Warhammer 3 is the more obvious choice and is overall a stronger experience, but sometimes the old ways are best.
Publicada el 22 de noviembre de 2018. Última edición: 18 de diciembre de 2022.
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84.9 h registradas (51.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I cannot recommend this game in good conscience. CA lurches from one controversy to the next; from Day 1 DLC (a Chaos faction pre-order that was later parcelled into a dlc release), to charging for blood textures, to installing Red Shell spyware (Check comments - a more precise label would be an analytics tracker. Inflammatory language aside, I still think this should be disclosed. It has since been removed. Thanks to CA_Matthew for the clarification) with most of their games. Sega might have been giving the orders, but CA pulled the trigger, and I have a hard time supporting such a business model.

It's a shame, because the game itself is great. Continuing their recent trend, CA has simplified the strategic campaign map, to focus on delivering a better tactical battle experience. In that aspect, they have succeeded: each of the 5 base factions are unique and challenging in their own way with diverse and lore-friendly unit rosters, supported by a strong battle magic mechanic. On the campaign screen, individual campaigns feel a bit thin and directionless by comparison, and your agent and building options are limited compared to older titles. Overall, it would have been a fantastic product.

EDIT: CA have recently doubled the price of the game (along with some of their other products), supposedly after a partnership with netease. The Total War pricing model is expensive (though not as bad as Call of Duty) but not unfair (such as Paradox), but this really is an affront, and confirms people's worst suspicions about the company. Their products are excellent, but their reputation is chequered - buy with caution.
Publicada el 12 de julio de 2018. Última edición: 10 de febrero de 2022.
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Un desarrollador ha respondido el 13 JUL 2018 a las 1:15 a. m. (ver respuesta)
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904.9 h registradas (330.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A near-perfect mp game of cat-and-mouse chases and tense stakeouts, dressed up in classic horror tropes. Even after hundreds of hours each round feels like a new test thanks to the variety in maps, killers, skill builds and equipment loadouts, that allow a very personal expression of your playstyle - with both Survivor and Killer modes, this is 2 games in 1 package. Devilishly skillful at the highest level, capable of flipping you between absolute elation and abject despair in the twirl of a hatchet; nothing is as satisfying as a last-gasp escape or a selflessly coordinated hook rescue.

It's striking just how unique and honestly bizarre the mechanics are, best explained by Keith Stuart: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-01-27-everything-i-learned-about-game-design-last-year-i-learned-from-dead-by-daylight

Well-maintained and frequently updated competitive multiplayer, despite balance and ranking issues (particularly on the Survivor side, currently being addressed), with weekly dev streams chatting through it all. Highly recommended, dangerously replayable, and often terrifying.
Publicada el 29 de junio de 2018. Última edición: 26 de julio de 2019.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
1.7 h registradas
Mixes walking simulator with puzzle game, without much success in either. Occasionally atmospheric, and does boast some good visuals. Overall acceptable, and quite impressive considering it is the labour of one man.
Publicada el 20 de junio de 2018.
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214.6 h registradas (177.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
One of the truly great open-world games, but not a good Fallout game. It's mechanically superior to the previous games in every way and certainly worth the price of admission, but it's held back by some serious deficiencies.

The positives: the world is a joy to explore. Bethesda have improved their world-building with each consecutive game, and Fallout 4 is the pinnacle - every map marker reels you in with the promise of a unique story or encounter, and always delivers in spades. The detail put into Boston and the vertical exploration of its ruins in particular is a masterpiece. Detail is the crucial word here: the improved radiation system, legendary weapons and enemies, reworked magazines, crafting and modding, the 'level-gating' of areas of the world, companion variety and reputation - all little qol improvements that make the game a joy.

It's sad that the main story builds up steam to a thrilling and organic mid-game and then fizzles out towards the end. The new conversation system may be the glaring weakness here: I often misinterpreted what the 4 paraphrased dialogue options actually meant, and having a voiced protagonist destroys role-playing - the core feature of a Fallout RPG, where a silent protagonist allowed you to project your own voice into the character. Every single time I used the 'sarcastic' option I regretted it. This is the 1st deadly sin of Fallout 4.

The 2nd deadly sin is settlement building. It is often fiddly, and awful object physics make it tedious to decorate what you do manage to build, but this isnt the real point: Fallout games are to some extent survival games, so injecting The Sims is a huge tonal clash. Some love it, I do not. Lastly, Creation Club paid mods leave a bad taste in the mouth, especially when most of the dlc was of such poor quality and focused on settlements. There is still plenty to enjoy, but to fans of the franchise these caveats might be deal-breakers.
Publicada el 7 de junio de 2018. Última edición: 7 de junio de 2018.
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18.1 h registradas
Telltale's finest hour, and a truly unexpected pleasure. Somehow both the most ridiculous and coherent story in Telltale's entire catalogue, with excellent acting and witty writing throughout complementing the expanded mechanics. Plenty of easter eggs for a franchise fan too. It's an expertly crafted experience, which somehow has managed to pull off the miracle of weaving a compelling, emotional tale in a Borderlands game.
Publicada el 24 de febrero de 2018.
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