
Последние обзоры cshepher

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I like the game reminds me of the guild 2.
Опубликовано 1 июля 2019 г..
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684.4 ч. всего (432.3 ч. в момент написания)
Good game need some of the dlc but other than that it is a good buy.
Опубликовано 24 ноября 2018 г..
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121.1 ч. всего (5.8 ч. в момент написания)
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Good game great A.I. you spelled apprentice wrong and the game could use bug fixes like how i would take quest and it would immediately say it was complete and would give me the Xp and you should make leveling go a little faster because it feels like a grind just to get to level two. I like the fact that this game cold go anywhere in the future the reason is that every time you load up a world it's like a new game you never know what your going to get so i also think there should be more quests than going to a ruin and looking at it. The reason this is set apart from other games is that unlike skyrim which you always load up the same game you get new landscapes everytime you load the game up and if they run a mix between mount and blade and skyrim with building a village. The A.I. always goes to one part of the village which is kind of annoying and the A.I get stuck in each other. The A.I can somehow walk through house's walls and they sleep in themiddle of the house in a pile. I like that you are just as strong as the A.I. because that gives it a more life-like feel to the game. Also why Doesn't the fame meter work I was grinding for hours and it as still at zero after doing tons of quests. The game feels like you always have to do something for colleting food to building a house that is pretty good for this game and if they were going for life-like they nailed it atleast with gameplay I am not going to judge the graphic becouse the gameis still in early alpha. Why doesn't the A.I, compistate you if you help build their hous. With this review I think that the game is pretty good it is worth the 10 dollars.
Опубликовано 17 января 2016 г.. Отредактировано 17 января 2016 г..
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