B L   Milton, Ontario, Canada
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randomschizo3699 2. feb. 2024 kl. 17:27 
when are you gonna finally beat Dark Souls?
Ch0ke 21. dec. 2013 kl. 10:50 
He touched my Poo Whacker sword in Starbound.
Ch0ke 27. juli 2013 kl. 16:21 
Tee hee hee
nocooler 13. juli 2013 kl. 14:23 
Thought you might like this:
5:15 PM - Jebus H Cripes: it's hilarious that despite spending like $130 already, I'm not actually playing anything, just idling while the meta-game runs lol
5:15 PM - nocooler: lol
5:16 PM - Jebus H Cripes: I'd play some of the other games, but I don't want to slow down the card drop rate lol
5:16 PM - nocooler: laugh
5:17 PM - nocooler: as long as you aren't sitting there all cross eyed waiting for a next drop
5:19 PM - Jebus H Cripes: no, I'm watching pr0n instead
5:19 PM - nocooler: nice - hopefully it's not of civ's mom....lawl
5:20 PM - Jebus H Cripes: that'd be hard not to, she's in so many
Ch0ke 18. mar. 2013 kl. 15:50 
Where's the Arma3 pic of us ridin' dirty on the ATV?
mcdermos 10. mar. 2013 kl. 16:15