クリス   Chisinau, Moldova, Republic of
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Öne Çıkan Çizimler Vitrini
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Cyberpunk 2077
Son Etkinlikler
kayıtlarda 714 saat
son oynanma: 20 Şub
kayıtlarda 198 saat
son oynanma: 20 Şub
kayıtlarda 16,1 saat
son oynanma: 19 Şub
crys28 14 Eki 2024 @ 9:32 
Molotov cocktail recipe : A Molotov Cocktail is an incen-
diary bomb. which bursts into flame on breaking. A quart
bottle is filled with two-thirds gasoline and one-third oil. A
fuse is made of an Old gasoline-soaked rag, and then stuffed
into the mouth Of the bottle, The bottle is cork", and the
fuse is lit. It is thrown and, when it breaks, it wiliest into
flame. The enemy will not be able to extinguish the fire
with water. These were used with varying degrees of suc-
ccss in the struggle in Hungary. According to reports they
can disable a tank.
NakanoTakeko 8 Nis 2023 @ 16:19 
reteta de Kurtos Kolac: Intr-un castronel pregatiti maiaua din drojdie, o lingura de zahar si putin lapte caldut din cei 250 ml. Lasati acoperit pentru cca. 10 minute. Aluatul l-am pregatit la masina de paine si am pus mai intai laptele, zaharul, sarea, aromele, uleiul, maiaua, iar la sfarsit, faina. Am folosit un program de framantare scurt, de doar 15 minute, dupa care am lasat aluatul la dospit, cca. o ora, timp in care m-am acupat de invelirea borcanelor in foaie de copt. Cand aluatul a crescut frumos, se rastoarna pe blatul de lucru, usor infainat. Se imparte in patru parti egale. Ce nu lucrati inca, acoperiti cu un prosop, sa nu se usuce. Se intinde coca in forma de snur, ceva mai groasa decat un deget. Se infasoara snurul ca in imagine, iar capetele se introduc sub aluat. Se pensuleaza cu unt topit. Se presara zahar tos, apoi se roluiesc pe faie ce copt, ca zaharul sa intre in aluat. Se baga la cuptor si e gata
Colddaysinhell 1 Şub 2021 @ 13:57 
My squirrel :3