Alexander Korzun
Partly Russian, partly Ukranian, a little bit Polish

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Games won on steamgifts (or gifted)
>2500 hours played

Alan Wake (:praisesun:)
Alum (:praisesun:)
Alchemy Mysteris: Prague Legends (:praisesun:)
Anodyne (:praisesun:)
Another Perspective (:praisesun:)
Aquaria (:praisesun:)
Ben There Dan That! and Time Gentlemen Please!
Binary Domain
Blocks That Matter (:praisesun:)
Civilization V
Cogs (:praisesun:)
Dark Souls (:praisesun:)
Dark Souls II (:praisesun:)
Darksiders (:praisesun:)
Eador: Masters of the Broken World (:praisesun:)
Faerie Solitaire (:praisesun:)
Fat Cry 2
Fortix (:praisesun:)
Fortix 2 (:praisesun:)
Her Story (:praisesun:)
LEGO The Lord of the Rings (:praisesun:)
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge ... (:praisesun:)
Lumino City
Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock (:praisesun:)
Ninja Reflex (:praisesun:)
Primordia (:praisesun:)
PixelJunk Eden (:praisesun:)
Please, Don’t Touch Anything (:praisesun:)
Puzzle Agent 2 (:praisesun:)
Puzzle Kingdoms  
Queen's Quest: Tower of Darkness (:praisesun:)
Quest of Dungeons (:praisesun:)
Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches
Resident Evil 5
Resonance (:praisesun:)
SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition
Tales From The Dragon Mountain: The Strix
The Lady
The Night of the Rabbit (:praisesun:)
The Walking Dead: Season Two (:praisesun:)
Thomas was Alone (:praisesun:)
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers (:praisesun:)
Witcher III (:praisesun:)
(:praisesun:- 100% achievos)

In progress
Broken Age
Don't Starve
Neo Scavenger
Quantum Conundrum
Red Faction Guerrilla
Virus named Tom

A Story About My Uncle
Assassin's Creed III
Bioshock Infinite
Clive Barker's Jericho
Divinity: Original Sin
Duke Nukem Forever   
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Fable Annivesary
Hamilton's Great Adventure
Hitman: Absolution
Hotline Miami
Huntsman: The Orphanage Halloween Edition
Hydrophobia: Prophecy
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered
Kingdom: New Lands
Kingdoms of Amalur
Last Remnant
Lead and Gold
Little Nightmares
One Finger Death Punch
Orc Must Die 2
Ori and the Blind Forest
Pillars of Eternity
Red Alert 3: Uprising
Saint's Row the Third
Sol Survivor
The Detail
The Silent Age
The Turing Test
We Are The Dwarves
Wizardry 6,7,8
Kedvenc játék
Legutóbbi aktivitás
4,3 óra a nyilvántartásban
Legutóbb játszva: márc. 26.
40 óra a nyilvántartásban
Legutóbb játszva: márc. 26.
7,6 óra a nyilvántartásban
Legutóbb játszva: márc. 16.
kenobi_thinker 2019. márc. 12., 9:38 
Привет. По твоим стопам в этой теме
пытаюсь поправить багнутый квест в Kings Bounty the legend. Можешь уточнить куда конкретно сохраняются файлы qst после редактирования?
Chour 2016. dec. 23., 11:37 
DS2 стоит того, чтобы пройти (особенно DLC!)
Fet 2016. dec. 23., 11:35 
Спасибо за DS2! К ней тоже приглядывался, но на прошлой распродаже скидка была на 5% больше и жаба задушила.
Fet 2015. dec. 25., 9:11 
Вот спасибо! В Undertale был дико заинтересован с тех пор как она вышла, и собирался уже после Нового года покупать, но теперь не придётся. Спасибо огромное ещё раз!
skanda 2014. júl. 18., 23:41 
Thank you, I'll even try to appreciate bugs!
Blue Award 2013. nov. 27., 10:00 
Much em spaces! Such purrrdy! Wow!

Well if you want delete this spam hue, I wanted to check out if the other unicode spaces work here, ik, ik, could sent on offline message