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Recent reviews by Princess Tomato

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11.8 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
==Received as a Christmas gift in a bundle of games - probably #2 fave between them all due to complexity.

Ever played Underhand? Well, this is the more complex and much harder and complicated version of that combined with almost extreme time management when you really get things going. I love this game, SO much, but damn it's hard. I'm starting to get the hang of it, but god it's complex and there are SO many working pieces that go into all of it. So far out of... 6? games? I've died to affliction and despair almost 50/50 within about half an hour.
Posted 28 December, 2018. Last edited 28 December, 2018.
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24.2 hrs on record (12.9 hrs at review time)
Posted 8 December, 2018.
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7.9 hrs on record
I got this game for my birthday at the start of the year and I've seen it grow and evolve and after playing it for the first time in maybe 6 months (at best) tonight, I must say it has come SO far. It still has plenty of the creep factor that it originally had, there's a few jumpscares, but I'm only about 4 hours into the game so far. The story as it's unfolded so far is BEAUTIFUL.

Do I think it's a 60$ game? Not quite, maybe 40, 35.99, but not 60. My opinion may very well change in a couple weeks as I get further into it however.

I've run into only two issues that aren't gameplay-related:
In fullscreen windowed on 13xx resolution, there's a portion of the bottom right corner that tries to connect to other windows on occasion, causing me to minimize/pause. The other, when I alt-tab in or out of said fullscreen windowed mode, it shifts my other open windows back and forth. For this bug, the workaround is to hit my Windows button and then move them around, it strangely doesn't impact gameplay other than to pause it.

Are there other issues? Not so far that I've noticed. I'm only 4 hours into the story. It's *amazing*. I'm super excited to play more!
Posted 2 November, 2018.
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0.9 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Boss Key. I love you guys. I love you guys SO much and LawBreakers was a GREAT game and it REALLY sucks that it didn't succeed, but this just... kinda feels like someone got SUPER angry about LawBreakers failing and this is vent art.

It's so 80s it makes me literally want to cry. I am not even kidding. My depression is patting me on the back sympathetically and is apologizing for making me feel certain ways.

I wish I could play a round or two to see what the game is actually like though... Right now it's just dead and there's no matches to make.

Marking this as recommending because I love the company just simply too much to further downvote it.
Posted 24 May, 2018.
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5.0 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
An edit will be coming later with additional thoughts, but for now...

Initial Thoughts:

I believe this is an Open Beta? I'm not 100% atm, but my initial thoughts are that this is giving me some major MegaTen IMAGINE feels. And it also feels a bit like Kritika and Hellgate, only minus the sheer amounts of generic and horror.

It's a strange feeling.

Generally speaking, I don't like MMOs that have you choose a character to play as rather than making it Your Own, but this kind of works in the same way that MegaTen IMAGINE does, only you are playing a Blank Slate. It honestly feels more like an RPG that's also a massive multiplayer online game as well.

But maybe I've just grown up without realizing it..

Being in town gives me a feeling that's mixed between a lobby, Mabinogi, and being in a town in, yet again, IMAGINE.

I strangely find myself enjoying this, a type that I generally Do Not Like. I'll roll with this a bit longer and see how much my opinion changes.

It's really a strange feeling.
Posted 7 March, 2018.
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3.3 hrs on record
tl;dr at the beginning:

Pros: Beautiful graphics, unspoken story, simple as hell mechanics, short gameplay, no breath meter, a well-developed soundtrack.

Cons: Super short gameplay, no free swim, may or may not cause you to cry it's so relaxing, one very annoying glitch if you get too zoomy near the end of the game, not available in VR.

Requests for any future updates: Fix the glitch (I can provide more information if I can get an email address), and a free swim mode to just... explore without the story.


Longer review:

So I'm trying to rebuild my stream. I didn't expect to stream today. Today I bought this game because of the Halloween sale and it'd been sitting on my wishlist for a while. Within 5 minutes of playing the game, probably less, I stopped the game, exited, and started my stream up, prodding a few people I knew would appreciate it.

This game, man. This. Game.

I have not had a game feel *cathartic* before. Ever. What started out like a simple swimming exploration game quickly became something else altogether.

You start out just exploring, helping nests grow and hatch various aquatic critters like fish, turtles, *heliocoprion*, and then as you progress onto the second level, you see a bit of the story unfold and it's just *relaxing*. Everything is just so *calm*. I pretty much wanted to cry it had me at a level of calm I had not before experienced. This was not what I had anticipated from a description stating "but beware as you swim deeper as dangers lurk in the depths". No. Not at all. I was expecting something far more scary from this.

By the end of it, I was left wondering more about the swimmer and it's people and these creatures we've encountered in the depths. Are they creators? the cause of destruction? Is the swimmer an amnesiac or the last of them? We know so little about them and what happened.

God I love this game.
Posted 28 October, 2017. Last edited 28 October, 2017.
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4.7 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
So, Among Ripples is a game. It's a game where you can try to start up a small ecosystem in a pond.

Sounds easy, right?
Nah. Not at all. It's actually REALLY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hard to do, in my opinion.

Is there any end game content?
Um. No. If you're looking for a GAME game, then you should definitely look elsewhere.

Is this a time-waster or time-burning?
Oh yes, definitely.

It's a super small filesize, and it takes just a few moments to download. It gives you a brief little tutorial about what the premise is, what each little section does, and how to play. It's pretty simple, but more complex than, say, Viridi.

Do I recommend it to anyone? Only those that want to dabble in some mindless time-burning, trying to figure out how to make the ecosystem last for more than 5 minutes.

Can you do it?
Posted 23 December, 2016.
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0.3 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
It's... incredibly short. I liked it, but I'm pretty bummed that it's all of 10 minutes long... Pretty much as long as Neko Ramen. For the length of it, I'd rather it be a maybe a dollar instead of the 2$USD I think it is.

This aside, I would recommend it for someone that wants a bit of prose to read.
Posted 24 January, 2015.
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36.6 hrs on record (35.8 hrs at review time)
I adore this game. It's slowly becoming a shell of it's former glory, but this MMO shooter has absolutely amazing. A questline that gives you the basics of the story and just enough to show you how to play then it's on to PvE and PvP. PvE is good enough for grinding as you get experience/money for anything that gets killed, plus end-of-mission experience. PvP gives you experience at the end, but not for each person you kill. PvE is your standard missions, but PvP you need to have a mic and thick skin for the people that know what they're doing and expect you to do know as well. Also, who can resist jetpacks, tankilicious miniguns and robots trying to totally dominate the world?
Posted 22 July, 2012.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries