Sadly American think-tanks who serve their corporate masters spend literally billions of dollars every year modeling out tactics to neuter US protests movements. Ever since the Civil Rights movement of the 60s business interests have understood the need to dilute all protest movements. Sometimes called tolerant repression Chomsky and Zinn will point out this goes right back to the founding of the republic. Read Peoples History of the United States for detailed example. Chomsky is outspoken on this as well. If this protest moment is to be effective and have lasting power it needs inspired and dedicated people to set up camp and mine the tactics of resistance from successful movements around the world. And be very very aware that powerful interests are working day and night to convince everyone to go home. Let the kids yell and feel "empowered", these monied interests and think-tanks will say. And then let them get tired and go back to the same old wage slavery Matrix that has kept them docile just like they were kept with Bernie or the last BLM, or Occupy or G8 or the Women's March or Climate protest or the protests against the Iraq War and protest against Nuclear war and protest against Israel, etc etc. These think-tanks study "the people" 24/7/365 for just such occurrences. Gotta be clever to outsmart them. But maybe this is the time The People get wise