Nicholas Saenguraiporn   Oregon, United States
Chanchai 2016年6月29日 6時06分 
MrRojan - I am very much looking forward to seeing how it all comes together as a combat system. It's looking great so far, and that's just the initial stuff, but the game seems to be carrying style along as well.
MrRojan 2016年6月29日 5時40分 
Upgrades to your weapons will be important as well as climbing/moving to get away from enemies as well
Neverender 2011年12月5日 22時09分 
Hey, I just saw your message! I'm totally interested in SR3... the preorder teaser video is hilarious. I wish I'd seen it before it was too late to preorder. I figure I'll wait out this wishlist giveaway and keep my eye out for a sale price in the mean time, but I'm sure I'm gonna buy it soon. Too many good games...