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You won giveaway 25 Oct, 2018 @ 12:52am 
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Amy 16 Aug, 2018 @ 3:08am 
👔 🎍 😺 🐊 💎 🚗 👳 🌽 🐳 🏀
🔋 [ Calvin and Hobbes Quotes ] 🎄
🐠 👃 🐟 📕 ⛳ ⚡ 🍧 🔋 💙 📣
If you want to stay dad you've got to polish your image. I think the image
we need to create for you is "repentant but learning". -- Calvin

As usual, goodness hardly puts up a fight.
-- Calvin

Life is full of surprises but never when you need one.
-- Calvin
🌋 👃 🍖 👔 🎄 📗 🌸 👑 🌏 📕
Shai-Hulud 3 Apr, 2018 @ 8:40pm 
china numba won