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Останні рецензії користувача Kafkaesque

Показані результати 1–2 із 2
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
4.5 год. загалом
I don't know if it's intentional or not, but after playing a while, i started to identify myself with the character, and think that the whole game is a metephor about how people interact with world,life and death. Maybe i am overthinking but the script and the way narrator vocalizes it fascinated me -with in your face questions and statements- I also loved how soundtracks empower the impact of the story.
Додано 10 лютого 2015 р..
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
5.1 год. загалом (5.0 год на момент рецензування)
Writing reviews is just not my thing but this game surely deserves one. The story is well written and
contains both tragic and humorous elements. I personally get bored very easily but this game made me
sit on my ass for hours till i got the end of it. If you are looking for graphics or adventure, i must say it can't fulfill
you expectations, but if you are looking for great story that will touch your heart, you are at the right spot.
- Money well spent -
Додано 7 лютого 2015 р..
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Показані результати 1–2 із 2