เล่นไปแล้ว 2,484 ชั่วโมง
If you have read up on this game at all you know what it is: A deeply complex ARPG with some of the best mechanics for this genre. The gameplay is responsive as well as fast paced, the character customization is at the top of the RPG ladder, and the amount of content is simply unparalleled. It is hard to learn and even harder to master. It takes time to learn and you will likely want some sort of assistance with knowledge just even playing the game for the first time to any serious degree.

What makes PoE so amazing is beyond that. What makes it so great is the developers behind the game. In my many years of experience playing online games such as MMOs and other ones such as WoW there has never been a company that has maintained what they stood for for as long as GGG has. They have not tried to dumb down the game to appeal to the masses and, if anything, they have embraced the difficulty of the game's deep systems. If they mess up, they say sorry and try to fix it without compromising their vision of the game. They listen to player feedback, but don't immediately treat players as if they are always right. (They are not) Sometimes they have to stick to their guns (see: Trading) for the betterment of the game.

This game has been available for free since 2013. They have never compromised on MTX and the game's monetization has always been the same since day 1. They sell stash space that, while convenient, is not entirely necessary. Even if you consider it a requirement, it is among the cheapest things to get in their cash shop. I am totally fine with this since the game is F2P and provides more free content then pretty much any game like it.

Speaking of content; this game has so much of it you pretty much won't ever leave forever. That is another thing about PoE. Once you are in, you are IN. You aren't going to play the game forever. Hell, you may play a week or two during each league. That is an awesome way to play the game and I do that most of the time myself. If you don't feel like it; skip a league and come back for the next one! You won't miss out on anything because, unless the community hates the mechanics of a league, they always keep them in the game in some form.

This game released with 3 acts in 2013 and with not much of an end game. (It now has 10 acts, going on 17) They added system after system and now you have something so enormous that you have to focus on specific parts of it or you will quickly become overwhelmed! Both the game and the community have grown enormously and now the game is getting the spotlight it deserves. One other awesome thing about this game is the community. I don't mean that in a "oh this community is so awesome, they are so nice and hug each other all the time!!" like people who love to claim their favorite game's community is filled with butterflies and rainbows. What I mean by community is the resources that have been built up over the years. There are tons of great twitch streamers and youtubers who cover this game. Reddit, the official forums, and even Twitch chat are all poppin if you want information on a new build or a mechanic in the game.

If you are open to an ARPG game that is deep and incredibly hard to learn and you can open up the passive skill tree without fainting; Play this game!
71 ชม. ในบันทึก
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0.8 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 13 มี.ค.
226 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 12 มี.ค.