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5.5 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
This game can make you feel the highest sense of pride to the lowest feeling of hopelessness.
Posted 27 December, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
16.2 hrs on record (15.5 hrs at review time)
If you like horror games but feel that they have been lacking recently...this is the one you have been waiting for. The oppressive atmosphere, the dread, the twists, the setting, the mind-♥♥♥♥♥ it's all there. There were times when I stayed in a room for like 5 mins because I couldn't bring myself to open the door. There was SOMETHING out there. I never did find out what it was, I just ran and never looked back.

It is better not to know any details about the game. Just that there are many times you will say NOPE. Not going down there...and then have to go down.

I'm still not over that ending, it is still being debated....

Posted 3 January, 2016.
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4 people found this review helpful
3.0 hrs on record
There is a good game in here, and with some changes to gameplay a really good game could be found.

Note, this is my first experience with a game that has rougelike elements.

Main points:


Nice art style and music. They both do exactly what is needed and compliment each other. Decent core gameplay that is quite fun once you understand what is going on.


NEEDS TUTORIAL. Not everyone has time to read through a manual, or can remember it all. There are many mechanics working together that need to be explained in a methodical manner. Simple way to incorporate into the story are: flashback sequences, training areas, or simple pop up boxes when you first encounter a new mechanic.

You can get stuck behind seemingly invisible walls randomly, only to realise that a part of the environment is in front of you, but it has turned invisible to show you where your character is. Once this is destroyed you can continue.

The opening sequences heavily imply of an overall lore and a story to be told about the main character. Yet 3 hours in, I have yet to actually start anything resembling a main quest. All quests so far have been essentially side quests. There was even a moment after around 2 hours there was story progression (expected to be given a proper quest) I was then told to do more side quests...

Overall the main issues are all related to the game mechanics not being explained to the player. This would sort out 80% of issues. It's all the little things that add up, like the fact that within 20 mins of starting the game I had minus 64 gold because I accidentally caused property damage... This was not explained. Or I have died in battles with no idea of how I died. Or why I can't use a power crystal thing to upgrade a weapon (even after following on-screen instructions). Or how I assumed I could sleep in my bed to recover HP (but can't), however health recovers outside of battle slowly (never explained).

Once this is fixed, and story/plot progression is sorted, this would be a great game.

Posted 29 November, 2015.
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4 people found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record
This game does have massive potential. However my first experience has not been very good. Essential parts of the game were not explained, meaning that I died within 10 mins. I cannot use a spear for some reason to get food..? I cannot attack enemies? Why? There is a lack of communication to the player. We should not have to rely on gamefaqs and steam walkthroughs when the developers have not bothered to put thought into the player experience. The game does look very nice, and has a nice atmosphere.
Posted 26 August, 2015.
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4 people found this review helpful
0.4 hrs on record
Let me explain with all honesty why this game, from a design perspective, is just not good.

Firstly, I have played the first game and quite liked it. Athough the jump scares were effective, I would say its more accurate to call them "jump startles". The reason why the first worked quite well is because right at the start, you are introduced to the basic idea of the game. You know who you are and why you are there. You are hinted at your enemies/what could be lurking out there, you are hinted at how you "win". That is basic game design. The player now has an idea of what to do to win and has an idea of what to do to avoid losing. The vagueness works because you are given just enough information to go on and to compell you to explore. This game has none of that.

It was good that hints are placed to explain how to interact with the game, but I never heard any breathing. I should not have to put the volume so high to hear it, that is an obvious cheap "startle" waiting to happen, and is a cheap way to create "fear". It's never explained what exactly you are doing, why you have to shine the torch, or why the torch goes out or how to stop it. The game entirely relies on trial and error.

I give massive credit for the creator for his hard work creating this series and well done to them for his success, it's not easy to make a game, let alone on your own, but this seems like basic design theory and respect was ignored.

I hope if there is another game, that this is taken into account. If you haven't already, Silent Hill 1, 2, 3, Penumbra: The Black Plague, Amnesia: The Dark Descent and a whole load of free indie horror games are a good place to start to get a good horror game experience, that is just more than a startle simulator.
Posted 3 August, 2015.
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