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123.1 hrs on record (82.8 hrs at review time)
Great fun by yourself or with friends. Parkour is fluid and brings a refreshing game mechanic to a zombie formula.
Posted 8 April, 2020.
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7.4 hrs on record
Very cool music, great gameplay mechanics and awesome ways to solves murders!
Posted 1 December, 2017.
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3.6 hrs on record
Beautifully crafted and charming with some fun puzzles! Actually made me care about shapes's feelings and gave them character.
Posted 24 November, 2017.
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21 people found this review helpful
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15.2 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
Episode 1 :- I wasn't sure what I was quite expecting when I came into the townof Arcadia. Withing the first few monutes, however, I knew that I am going to enjoy these episodes. The Time rewinding mechnic is a lot of fun and makes your choices that more complicated rather than easier. The characters introduced in episode 1 are very much alive and each have thier own lives, opinions and storied for you to look into and comment on or ignore. The soundtrack adds so much to the game that makes me more connected to both the world and Max and I cannot help but become attached to Max having access to her thoughts and personality. She deals with the struggles of college life which are prominent in both our own lives and movies and it is interting to deal with them with this time rewinding mechinic. I can only hope that the pure fantastic atmosphere and storys continues through the episodes and I cannot wait to see if my choices have doomed or saved realtionships in the future. Time may have felt like it was on my side, but only time can tell me whether I have made some terrible choices.

Episode 2 :- After the cliffhanger of 1, I was wondering how the world would have changed. Well, more like how much Max's world would have changed. We see more of Chloe and have a seemingly pointless fetch quest in the middle of the episode (involving beer bottles) but while fetching these bojects you stumble upon some more story about Chloes life and her realtionship with Rachel and also hearing Max's thoughts on leaving Chloe behind. However, Chloe really takes a back seat for what is really an episode that deals with another character that was introduced in Episode 1. The episode is much harder hitting and your choices from episode 1 will come and hit you in the gut here if you have made some wrong ones, and when the episode closes you will either feel like a Hero or feel helpless. Rewinding time cannot help you all the time, and Max's ability can only go back so far. Either way, if episodes continue like this, we are going to be in for one hella ride.
Posted 24 March, 2015.
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11.3 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Holy crap is this game surprisingly fun. There is a certin charm to it that makes me smile everytime I play it, with by myself or online and even when I lose a race I cannot help but not be angry. Very fun, Highly recommend.
Posted 26 November, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
6.9 hrs on record
Spec Ops surprised me. It also shocked me. Not because it is a bad game. In fact it is an amazing game. The reason Spec Ops surprised me and shocked me was because of its story. In the first hour or so you will be thinking "This is a game that is trying to be Call of Duty", which it does but for good reason. It takes the FPS and 3rd Person Military shooters we know and, in a few hours after the game starts, questions you why you like those games so much. Questions like "Why do you like raining fire down upon you enemies" and "Are you sure you want to be a hero?” These questions the game then goes on to answer for you. Without spoiling anything, at the end of the game I loved and hated the game. It gets you thinking "What happened?". Then you play it again to try and understand and start noticing subtle hints.

As for Gameplay mechanics, it is quite like your Gears of War type games, with the cover system and shooting mechanics. You AI buddies help and awful lot and are pretty smart. The terrain can sometimes be used again your opponents and you have a few different selections of guns to choose from, each feeling different. The voice acting is spot on and you will recognise the main characters voice immediately.

Buy this game, as its story is one of the most disturbing and thought provking in a game I have played and is one of the few games that holds me, the player, acountable for my actions throughout the game.
Posted 5 May, 2014.
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8 people found this review helpful
0.6 hrs on record
Was looking forward to this but was disapointed with the weak story and boring and repetative fights. The voice acting and diolgue was terrible and forced that was so bad that it isn't even funny.
Posted 1 March, 2014.
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8.4 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Killing Floor is a fun online game that allows you to team up with mates and take on waves on enemys. Team work tends to be importent here, but its also a laugh to run around like headless chickens.
Posted 3 July, 2011.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries