Brandon Stark
Illinois, United States
Şu Anda Çevrimiçi
Kayıtlarda 1 oyun yasaklanması | Bilgi
En son 776 gün önce yasaklandı
Rimworld and Cities Skylines Workshop Creator!
Feel free to buy me a coffee to support what I do!
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kayıtlarda 2.292 saat
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kayıtlarda 137 saat
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kayıtlarda 1.838 saat
son oynanma: 18 Kas
Sloth 7 Eki 2021 @ 22:50 
Did 9/11 happen in the Cars universe? The thing I really like about Planes is that we learn that WWII happened in the Cars universe. Which means there was a Cars Hitler, a Cars holocaust, a Cars Pacific War, a Cars D-Day, a Cars nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a Cars Rape of Nanking, a Cars Battle of Iwo Jima... This leads to so many important questions, like: were the Cars Little Boy and Fat Man nukes sentient? Was it a suicide mission? Are ALL Cars nuclear weapons sentient? Did Tsar Bomba have a personality? What kind of car was Car Hitler? A VW? A forklift? Was there a Cars 9/11? Were the planes hijacked, or were the planes themselves radicalized? I could go on