Robo Handies, $19.99 p/h p/h
Brad   Plano, Texas, United States
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Review Showcase
1,008 Hours played
Day 42
Last night I had a dream. I flew high above the Earth and I gazed down at Creation. 'Twas not the Creation of a superior being, free and clean, clear and majestic, beautiful, bright, a world of magic and wonderment. No, the creation I looked upon was chaotic, frightening, full of over-complication and madness, dark, made by the hand of a lowly creature who's mind was twisted with the thoughts of the Unspeakable Creatures from the Other Places. Motivated by the inability to stop, he toiled away, adding to the monster he was creating, with no thoughts of orginization or coherence; it just had to fit. The veins of this creature covered the land, ever moving, little hands grabbing all as if for nourishment, but never satisfied. I watched the lungs of the beast breathe energy into it's nerves, fueling it's desire to consume the world. I could hear the scraping of it's jaws as it chewed at the Earth, swallowing it's riches only to spit them back up moments later.
As I watched from the ethereal, the Mad One ran about this leviathan as if he were a crazed Frankentein, bringing Life and movement to things that should be kept still. All of a sudden, he stopped. His eyes turned up to observe me, and I knew at once the horrible truth: this small, tireless worker for the Dark Ones, who's life was driven only by pain and insanity, this creature was me.


I awoke in a panic, sweat pooling around me. I knew I could never rest, never sleep; They won't let me. I can only build, only continue Their work. The designs don't make sense, but it doesn't matter; it works, and I must continue. We are close to our Goal, They say, though I know not what it is.
I log on once more. Peace will come only when I'm done...
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