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Nylige anmeldelser av Badman

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6.1 timer totalt (6.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
A little bit Evil Dead, and little bit The Exorcist.

I really enjoined it.
Publisert 27. februar.
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2.2 timer totalt
Basically an outstanding old-school B grade horror movie.
Publisert 24. oktober 2024.
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1.8 timer totalt
Not sure exactly why (however tone and pace helped immensely), but this is one of the best indie horror games that I've ever played ... and I've pretty-well played them all.
Publisert 23. oktober 2024.
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6 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
33.8 timer totalt (12.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game is janky, ganky, and a little wanky, but atmospheric as hell, with great art and wonderful level design. The puzzles are (mostly) fun / rewarding, whilst the combat is merely workable yet still satisfying when heads explode.

A little un-optimised (i.e. experienced some memory overflow type issues when pushing the limits of video @7680x1440) ... but the mere fact that the game runs triple-head without mods is a wonderful thing.

In first person mode I feel like I am playing Realms of the Haunting 2 ... which does not exist. This is not an insult.

Highly recommended.

Edit: Just completed ... 3 of the 5 possible endings ... became completionist obsessed ... BUT ... tried it in fixed camera and 3rd person ... and I must say that this game should be (I know this will raise ire amongst some) played in 1st person, and only 1st person. Incredibly beautiful to behold.
Publisert 15. januar 2024. Sist endret 3. februar 2024.
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131.7 timer totalt (100.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
My 100+ hours play time is mostly catching a 20 minute kip whilst listening to the absolutely beautiful intro music :)
Publisert 4. januar 2024.
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11 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1.5 timer totalt
Broken ... awesome ... the game itself is like reading Lovecraft ... hard, a little annoying, very, VERY, unique, yet extremely enjoyable ... like a feather to the nuts.

Ignore my Steam hours ... played this when it first came out (PC) ... finished it ... even dreamt about it (true) ... then finally played it again over the last few months on triple-head 7680x1440 resolution (GOG version, UF patch, graphics upscale, a few teaks, save game assistance etc ... manked inventory ... like using an invisible toy). Must admit you have to be tech savvy to play this beast of a game to sup on its fruit ... but defiantly worth it .. if you're a schismatic masochist like me ... please queue a song by TOOL 🕺
Publisert 28. juli 2023. Sist endret 28. juli 2023.
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14 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
44.6 timer totalt (35.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Janky as hell ... yes ... but not in the dictionary definition sense (i.e. of extremely poor or unreliable quality) ... as this is certainly none of either. The quality is sky-high, and there are no show-stopping bugs to be found (not any longer anyway) ... HOWEVER, there are certainly unfinished systems / ideas that make the game-play very odd at times (climbing, movement over obstacles etc) ... which are mostly due to advanced physics systems that had to be culled / man-handled into a workable form as they (the devs) simply ran out time (this game needed another year in the oven).

But, it's THE most immersive, detailed and beautiful (environmentally) dungeon crawler I have ever play ... period.

Set fire to a large old timber city structure ... watch it burn ... mesmerising.
Publisert 4. april 2023. Sist endret 4. april 2023.
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1.6 timer totalt (1.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Played on Infinite Loop Difficulty Duo ... 100% complete.
Publisert 16. mai 2022.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1.0 timer totalt (0.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
1) I'm getting close to 2000 titles on Steam (not just "products" but videos, tools and software), not to mention the hundreds of DOS game boxes I have dating back to the 80's, including tapes for the VIC20 / C64, Amiga 3-1/2 disc's etc ... and all the other game delivery services (literally not figuratively). This is my first Steam review (that I can remember anyway) ... would that perhaps suggest that I find this subject important? .. I would say so.

2) Yes, please make this game.

3) Provide a first-person option. I know you are honouring the original, but the Gothic games are particularly hard-core (all Piranha Bytes games for that matter), and first-person is the most hard-core method of play. They (PB) "almost" made it work in Gothic III (which is still in my top 5 greatest games of all time BTW, no matter how "messy" is was ... to create their own engine AND a massive seamless world at the same time is mind-numbingly stupefying) by removing the players head and sticking the camera between the eye sockets (more-or-less), and it was soooo immersive. This opinion may raise some ire within the community as I know not everyone agrees and the subject is quite divisive, however this is simply the way I see it (pun intended).

4) Optimise for extreme resolutions (particularly triple-head .. 5760 x 1080 etc ... as the Unreal engine is a turd for anything past your basic mainstream ... requiring the "standard" Engine.ini - AspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainYFOV rubbish ... which doesn't stick past a cut-scene or level-load so is useless in this "demo" anyway, requiring a save / complete game restart from what I've experienced so far).

5) Diego's voice acting is excellent.

6) Nameless Hero's voice acting is fine from an "acting" perspective, but completely wrong. Please get Crispin Freeman.

7) Music is fantastic so far.

8) Why did you use Unreal? (I bet looking for perfect platform agnosticism / potential console support and its ridiculously advanced pipeline) ... every blo0dy game looks the same, however I would offer that the artwork is excellent. The thing with PB games is that they have their own tech (originally ZenGin then Genome vX), so all their games have a unique visual "feel" by default ... so you'll have to work really hard to convince the purists (definitely include me in that bunch). Use the next Genome iteration (ELEX vX updated for Dx12 or Vulcan if PB have it ready ... see inviso-point 11).

9) Let us roam ... don't fence me in.

10) Please push-on ... I will 100% buy no matter what you do, but don't take that as easy money.

Now, the BIG one ... the unspoken point 11) ... please give it back to PB. As it is it will be mighty cool no matter how it turns out (unless you really drop-the-ball) ... but giving it back to PB, with full THQ support and "assistance" from the Barcelona crew ... use the PB engine (which is highly evolved now; in-fact, why not bring their engine in-house and use it in everything you make [in context] to take on the likes of Unreal, IDTech, Unity etc ... shake-up the world a little), AND NO RUSHED DEAD-LINES, would make it simply legendary. Be the absolute inverse of Joanne Woodward.
Publisert 16. desember 2019. Sist endret 16. desember 2019.
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