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張貼於:2020 年 9 月 3 日 上午 1:40

Extremely fun arena fighter. Plays a lot like the Gundam Versus series in PlayStation, with characters dashing all over the place, pokes revolving around bullet resource management, a multi-hit melee that is extremely punishable if you whiff, and you can also perform various damaging super attacks that look super cool.

Battles are flashy and fast-paced, and all 23 characters have top notch voice acting for full immersion. There are plenty of single-player content to do for power-up unlockables and they never get boring as fighting against Very Hard AI is actually really challenging here. As if those are not enough, to top everything off, the soundtracks in this game are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. They really blend in well with the general feel of the game. I have lost count how many times I have jammed to the beat of the battle music. Absolute banger.

Don't hesitate anymore. Just get it.
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1 則留言
Hayatemaru 2022 年 6 月 4 日 下午 8:04 
This plays nothing like Gundam Versus, coming from someone who plays Gundam Versus. M.A.S.S. Builder on Steam plays like Gundam Versus.

This game plays more like long-range Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2. Main attack on square, secondary attack on triangle, special/super attacks on right-stick, movement is "locked" until the animation is done. The "long range" aspect refers to how strikes and projectiles are swapped between the two games, and how movement is wider "spread", but locked the same.