過去 2 週間: 20.9 時間 / 総プレイ時間:8,413.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:5,688.1時間)
投稿日: 2019年2月15日 7時13分
更新日: 2019年2月15日 7時49分

Party invitation from friends: Sometimes its either they send a trade request by mistake and they still think its a party invitation but at the same time you're afk cause you're doing something else that's more important and they got mad cause you didn't accept their "party" invitation. Dumb ♥♥♥♥♥.
Plays solo: Play core gets flamed. Play support also gets flamed. Thank you Sir Peenoisy, Sir In"Goblok"Dogs, Ma'am 555 for bring in the toxicity to this beautiful game especially the Pinoy clan. Oh and I forgot about the Malays too.
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