Kani   Finland
During my "gaming career" I have enjoyed countless hours playing DuckTales - the Quest for Gold, Wizball, Pinball Dreams & Fantasies, Syndicate, BackPacker, Quake, SimCity 2000, Fantasy General, Civilization II, Heroes of Might and Magic III, Sims, Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the Old Republic, KotOR 2, NWN 2, Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, DA 2, World of Tanks, ...

In addition to the previously mentioned, I have enjoyed watching other people play Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max - Hit the Road, Project Zero 1 & 2, Gears of War 2, Dead Space, Borderlands, Arma II: DayZ mod, Fallout 3, ...
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