Some folk playin csgo
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Karger 16 Sep, 2016 @ 1:59am 
he is a ♥♥♥♥♥
TheYiYiper 23 Aug, 2016 @ 8:37am 
"Whiny ♥♥♥♥♥ who cannot deal with better players and accuses them of cheating and smurfing" Says the guy who admitted (!) he played in semi professional leagues before while playing a match in gold nova ranks. Intellectual honesty at its max!
TheYiYiper 22 Aug, 2016 @ 3:14pm 
Smurfs in the gold nova ranks to annoy other people
comrade 7 Aug, 2016 @ 7:45am 
I am mentally retarded, please kill me, I dont deserve to live
<color=red>Blue 31 Jul, 2016 @ 7:54am 
I don't deserve to live
ziwe 31 Jul, 2016 @ 2:20am 
I am mentally retarded