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投稿日: 2021年12月19日 14時11分

Imagine you had a historic game franchise. you accidentally make a huge successful title (bf 2016) and do well. you do everything different for the next game that flops (bfv 2018) and for the next game you do more of that so that it even worse (bf2042 2021). Take everything from previous battlefields and they did it worse here. They split content in several modes/portal so that each feel seriously incomplete. Bugs galore and launch was a disaster. 50+ hours between EA/steam (playing free weekend with friends). Would not buy for more than 20 bucks with no campaign and no content for me to do anymore. They nerf anything good and do not fix issues that been around since alpha. Steam population down 75% from launch week. Sad state to see the series in, might get shelved by EA for not making money. RIP BF, you didn't deserve this
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