Borna, 18   Croatia
Main Rank: Supreme

Video Resolution: 4:3 Stretched (1024x768 / 1280x960)
Video Settings: Shadows are set on high and everything on low, except for multicore rendering which is on

Mouse DPI: 800DPI / Windows Sens: 5/11/ Ingame Sens: 1.3
Polling Rate 1000Hz

viewmodel_offset_x 2.5
viewmodel_offset_y 0
viewmodel_offset_z -1.5
cl_bob_lower_amt 5

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1
cl_crosshairalpha 240
cl_crosshaircolor 5
cl_crosshairdot 1
cl_crosshairgap 9999
cl_crosshairsize 4
cl_crosshairstyle 4
cl_crosshairthickness 0.5

Guns I mainly use: AK47 / M4 / Deagle / AWP (Sometimes)
Playing position: Entry Fragger
Favorite CSGO Players: ScreaM, s1mple & Hiko

Languages I speak: Croatian, English, Serbian, Macedonian & French

Mouse: Fury Gaming Hunter 800DPI
Keyboard: Redragon Kumara K552
Headphones: Genesis Argon 200 BLACK Edition
Mousepad: Steelseries QcK Large

Trade offer link: https://steamproxy.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=299858852&token=Pa2WRI67

Thanks for visiting my profile, have a nice day !
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