man ripped apart by dogs
Joliet, Illinois, United States
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En ligne
dommonick 21 janv. à 21h36 
Hello there! Welcome to our little trans-dimensional joyride, folks. I’m Dr. Seeker, your friendly controller, and a heck of a paleontologist if I do say so myself. But let’s not talk about me; let’s talk about you, and how you can help me make history today with the Time Rover. It’s like this: if I can bring you back from the Cretaceous Period, it stands to reason that I can bring back a live dinosaur with you. And not just any dinosaur; take a look at this guy. It’s an iguanodon, and I’m certain that he is the key to understanding these magnificent creatures. I tagged him with a locator during an “unauthorized” field trip. Otherwise, I’d be traveling with you. Right now, our dino should be about here—at the very end of the Cretaceous Period. That’s where you’re going today—