Diogo Almeida
Currently Online
Info, please read!
If you wish to send me an offer, please, use the trade link instead of adding me
Friend requests
I'll probably won't accept your friend request if your account is private and/or your account is level 0.If you don't fall unto that category then it's pretty certain I'll add you.
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
All foils and boosters are up for trade, check trade rates below:
*Normal Cards*
1:1 - Same game cards
1:2 - Cards from different games
*Foil Cards*
1:1 - Foil of the same game or if I like the card
1:3 - Foil for 3 normal cards
IMPORTANT: Market prices may influence my decision!
Screenshot Showcase
Leave none standing...
2 4
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Completionist Showcase