Biondy Wu
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Bandiriel 22. Mai um 11:17 
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Mazulkree 21. Mai um 10:00 
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Adoralsa 28. Apr. um 9:06 
Let's leave our mark on this game.
Let me cook now 6. Jan. um 22:15 
do yourself a favor and jump off a cliff.... i beg you
2S 2. Jan. um 5:12 
ez pig brain player. eat trash
Gordon Ramsay 28. Jan. 2022 um 22:58 
Haha learn your place mr/mrs Blondy Wu. you aint getting anywhere with that poor attitude of yours maybe start reflecting your life choices eh mate.. no wonder you seem so insignificant praying for some attention or love? Well i gladly to give it you not that i pity you just that im generous.