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75.3 hrs on record (69.5 hrs at review time)
Posted 22 November, 2023.
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8.4 hrs on record
Great co-op puzzle game!
Posted 24 April, 2022.
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17.0 hrs on record (4.7 hrs at review time)
good gam
Posted 8 December, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
16.1 hrs on record
Spy Chameleon is a fun, enjoyable, humorous and smooth puzzle game, that'll keep you entertained from start to finish. After playing to the game to completion, I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a good solid puzzle game with smooth and polish mechanics. Highly recommended.
Posted 3 March, 2016.
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48.6 hrs on record (48.5 hrs at review time)
So I decided that I want to play a different type of game to completion. This was probably an error. Not that this isn't a great game, because honestly it's a beautiful game that is pretty well excuted at what it attempts to do. However the thing that got me with this game is the "New Game+" option. So you finishing the game, experiencing a great and somewhat moving story, and you really feel like the game wraps up well, then just to clean up after myself and complete the game. However this isn't the case, they offer you a "New Game+" which really doesn't offer anything new but higher level enemies and a greater challange as the game buts it, but this isn't the case. The game gets easier as you understand the mechanics and the enimies more, and I died alot less playing on hard on New+ then I did on hard on normal game. The only thing New+ really has to offer is a shifting meta in which dealing damage is alot more important then staying alive. Sadly, doing the second run through has no purpose other than prolonging the game due to there being only one ending.

However that said, is it enjoyable the first time around, and I would recommend it because it is a good game that is mostly enjoyable. Completion isn't worth it though.
Posted 25 April, 2015.
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155.4 hrs on record (151.9 hrs at review time)
What a game! Honestly a really well designed game that can make killing seemly endless waves of orcs amazingly fun. The game has aged really well and has provided many hours of fun while playing to completion. War mage is fun, but the real party is a nightmare... though nothing (with the exclusion of the last level of the DLC, great gorge) is exceptionally hard, there is a good enough level of difficulty to keep you focused on what's important and really test you as a gamer. A great game and I would and will recommend!
Posted 8 March, 2015.
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7.7 hrs on record
An amazing game. It's not action packed, nor are you going to become king of the realm, however this game and it's amazing story telling will have you gripped for the few hours that you'll be playing it. A story of loss and family, a truely exceptional game. Would recommend if you're looking for a relaxing game whilst involving yourself in a gripping story (a story that doesn't have any words I should add)! Also very easy to complete, no more than 6 hours at the most.
Posted 8 February, 2015.
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45.3 hrs on record (41.2 hrs at review time)
After 45ish hours of playing this game and 100%ing it I think I can give a fair review on it. There is no doubt about it, this is a fun game. It is both enjoyable to play and offers a classical Southpark sense of humour whilst doing so, also allowing many southpark episode nods to be made. I had no issue with runing the game and had no issue on playing on my mid-teir PC. The gameplay is extremely fun once you work out that you're only really gonna do damage by using your special moves, but until that point the game is going to feel like a bit of a grind. I will say that the lack of special moves I could invest made it feel like there was a definate answer to most situations. The class choices in my opion made a little difference, however during the later game some of special move classes took a shine (meaning I played as a mage, a warrior and a jew and I found mage the most enjoyable and most effective (as I did that one on hardcore mode)). The collectables are enjoyable to collect however someone of the missable ones can make 2+ playthroughs necessary for mastering the game. The plot was fairly interesting, althought sometimes it self a bit, forced shall we say. By that I mean (and spoiler alert) to recuit the goths, you need to get this, do that, get sidetracted here and then finally achieve the somewhat simple sounding inital objective. However when the plot does go on it is fun and interesting, and Tray and Matt (writers and makers of SP) make it feel like you are in an goofy episode of SP. I found that the side quests where pretty ussless when it came to bettering your character as if you do what I did on my last play through and just blasted through the main quest, you won't really fall short.

All in all, a fun game but really if you wanna enjoy it, play it once and do everything you can. If you want to complete it, make sure you know the things that are missable so you don't have to do more then 1 or 2 playthoughs.

Hope you found this review fair and informative- Werb
Posted 10 July, 2014. Last edited 10 July, 2014.
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