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Need a teleportah heah!

Scout is Shamwow Vince!
Louis is Demoman!
Jeu favori
Vitrine des succès les plus rares
Mr. J 9 juil. 2014 à 20h49 
ExplosiveCow 15 juil. 2013 à 5h15 
Hey! are you coming back to Singapore anytime soon? Kinda want to redeem some Club Nintendo Stuff
Dr. Lincoln 29 sept. 2012 à 7h07 

I'm just writing you to say that IF you wanted to do the trial for The Secret World, now would be a good weekend to do it because their website is selling the game at 50% the usual kind of high price. Now I'm not saying 'Calvin, go do this!', I'm just saying 'Hey, if you want to do this, this point in time would be slightly better than most points in time I can see from here'.

If you wind up trying it at any point, my username is Opfertod

Anywho, have a nice weekend!
Benif 21 juil. 2011 à 20h17 
Yep I really want to support them coz they totally tried their best to stay true to the original DX. Even without multiplayer!
Eyjafjallajökull 19 juil. 2011 à 15h54 
Haha, you pre-ordered? I might just try it out from tpb and buy it if it's good. No point buying without multiplayer.
Eyjafjallajökull 22 mars 2011 à 16h09