T'ai-pei, Taiwan
About Games:
Prefer and well play: Wargame, Strategy, Traffic Strategy
喜歡/擅長: 戰爭 , 策略, 交通經營
Experienced but not professional: FPS, Realtime, RPG, MMORPG
有經驗但是不專業: 第一人稱射擊, 即時戰略, 角色扮演和多人線上
Sometime: Puzzle, Shooting
偶爾玩: 益智, 射擊
Poor play: Sport, Fight, Scary
玩的很爛: 運動, 格鬥, 恐怖

Senior wow player, avartar is my hunter character.

About my learn:
Dog behavior
Morden War History
Traffic Management
Map read and identify

Loves beyond Game:
Dogs, Food, Sleep

Hates beyond Game:
PRC, Fascism, Communism

My gaming and workshop policy:
1. NEVER choose any option shown with PRC flag.
2. NEVER talk about chinese political claims with me, that's why I HATE china! 禁止在我的留言中談論西朝鮮的政治主張.
3. For Mandarin users, only traditional Mandarin I'd accept to talk with. 中文玩家跟我交流限用繁體中文,禁用殘體字.
4. Commies must die! 共產黨必須死!
5. Stand with Ukraine against russian invasion.

wow armory(TW, tradtional Mandarin) []
End at 8th platform. 最長的一局, 溜到第八月台.
Mikii Jenny 2023 年 12 月 26 日 上午 7:57 
KOKOKO Miki 2023 年 7 月 13 日 下午 1:20 
Good to see you!
Mikii 2022 年 10 月 5 日 上午 2:35 
Nice work and good job.