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Ingen har angitt at denne anmeldelsen er nyttig ennå
284.9 timer totalt (273.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
The game looks great, the custom maps are fun but the hampered way of communication working only through emojis is simply gamebreaking. Too many bad players can unknowingly gang up on you and you can't even explain yourself.

This makes it kind of necessary to buy certain emojis which makes the game kind of pay to win. But even then, it's just terribly annyoing to not have a facepalm emoji available, even for money.

Even worse is the blatant teaming in ranked matches. People set up multiple accounts or play with friends to have easy wins. Or players pretending to be bots to prey on people not realising that.

The game is little about strategy and mostly about being a cheater, an exploiter or a lucky bastard that rolls a capital and trades postive.
Publisert 27. mars 2024. Sist endret 13. oktober 2024.
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867.6 timer totalt (487.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
If you like Mechs and Autobattles in multiplayer, this is the game for you. If you're looking for story, immersion and cutscenes, it's not.
Publisert 1. februar 2024.
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65.8 timer totalt (6.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Great atmosphere it's just a pitty that too much of current day politics is shining through. It's not too bad though.
Publisert 27. november 2022.
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6,411.0 timer totalt (3,560.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Best Lobby Simulator ever with WW2 strategy minigames inbetween.
Publisert 13. oktober 2022.
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11.8 timer totalt
Wake up! This game tells you the truth! An evil sect controlling the government is trying to brainwash us with radio towers that spread the pandemic! THE EAGLE, THE EAGLE, THE EAGLE!
Publisert 12. juli 2020.
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13.8 timer totalt (11.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Not sure if this is the best Wadjet Eye game so far since they all are so good but it certainly impressed. Also it seems to be their biggest game so far.
Publisert 10. juli 2019.
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47.6 timer totalt (47.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Great story and Mech feeling.
Publisert 22. november 2018.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
92.8 timer totalt (23.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Leider voller Bugs, unintuitive Bedienung, Sinn- und lieblose 3D Grafik. Das Handelsmenü bietet keinerlei verhandlungsoptionen, dies muss man sich im chat ausmachen. Einfache Handelsinteraktionen wie "ich will mehr von dieser Ressource" oder "Das habe ich nicht" fehlen. Die Handelspräferenzen lassen es nur zu Bedarf/Angebot einer Ressource zu beschreiben.
Man kann mit seinem Avatar im Level aufsteigen und sein Aussehen gestalten. Kosmetische Ausrüstungsgegenstände kann man freischalten. Allerdings sieht man seinen Avatar nicht in 3D rund um den Spieltisch versammelt sonder nur als Porträtbildchen.
Anders als alle anderen Benutzerinteraktionen geschieht das kaufen und ausspielen von Ereigniskarten per klick auf die 3D Objekte. Das funktioniert erstens sehr unzuverlässig (Bugs) und zweitens ist es sehr unintuitiv und wird nirgends beschrieben. Erst nach mehreren Spielen fand ich durch Zufall heraus wie ich eine Ereigniskarte kaufen kann (per Klick auf den Kartenstapel). Die Schaltfläche am oberen Rand "Ereigniskarten kaufen" ist anscheinend nur da, um anzuzeigen dass diese Aktion grade möglich ist.
Ausserdem sind sämtliche Menüs im Spiel sehr schlecht zu bedienen und verbuggt. Z.B kann man schon mal im Handelsmenü feststecken und dann seinen Zug nicht mehr beginnen weil die Schaltfläche zum Bestätigen eines Handels die für das Würfeln ersetzt - da hilft nur Alt + F4 und neu verbinden was erfreulicherweise gut funktioniert.
Leider ist dies auch daran geschuldet dass man eine gefühlte Ewigkeit auf Spieler warten muss, die das Spiel einfach so verlassen. Einmal hing das Spiel sogar bei eben so einem Spieler fest - auch nachdem der Timer abgelaufen war. Wenn man dann das Spiel verlässt erhält man selber die Minuspunkte.
Das Spiel selber ist natürlich nach wie vor fesselnd und über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Die Umsetzung hinkt der Java-basierten Variante aber noch weit hinterher.
Publisert 17. november 2017.
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3.7 timer totalt
The whole series is a must play for fans of classic adventure games. Especially for this price.
Publisert 24. august 2017.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
1,072.8 timer totalt (75.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
Early Access for masochists. This game does a lot right but it seems the devs took extra effort in order to make the game as annoying as possible. Aparat from lags at the beginning when a most of the close quarter combat takes place, there are unexplainable lags like while firing your weapon in auto modus...
On top of that you have ridiculous behaviors that are just not realistic or consistent with the game itself.

Do a flip with your motorbike and land on the head? You take some damage. Exit the motorbike before your supposedly lethal crash? You die.

Reload a shotgun, line up a shot and watch yourself pump the thing instead of shooting. Might be realistic to need a pump after a full reload but why can't that be done after reloading instead of when I want to shoot?

Want to throw a grenade? Pull the pin and suddenly you move at a snails pace. Dunno about you but I throw farther when I'm running.

Want to shoot someone from cover or through a window? Good luck, most of your bullets will dissapear into the 10 cm thick wall instead of where you're aiming.

Bonus edit:
Pick up an UZI or any other automatic weapon? Remember to switch to another fire mode because single fire is default. Every time you pick something up.

Car tires have more HP than humans with military kevlar vests.

Jumping from a 2 story building is no problem. Exiting a car at 20 kmh = death.

Yes, all those things can be dealt with when you know about them and pay attention. Yes it is early access. Yes they could be easily fixed yet the devs apparently want them in the game. There is a list of unintuitive things to do and not to do you have to constantly keep in mind in order not to get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ over by the game.
Publisert 2. juli 2017. Sist endret 15. juli 2017.
Var denne anmeldelsen nyttig? Ja Nei Morsom Utmerkelse
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